Believe – Memoir Mondays Prompt: Do Your Believe?

Last week, I set the prompts for this week’s Memoir Monday’s writings, and I established that today, Friday, September 23, 2022, we would write about the following prompt: “I Just Can’t Believe That…” Today, I awoke and began writing about the prompt, and I began looking for the old song, “I believe for every drop…

Frances Gilbert Tweets about the Rule of 3s

“In storytelling, authors often create triplets or structures in three parts.” Wikipedia For instance: Rumpelstiltskin spins thrice for the heroine and lets her guess his name thrice over a period of three days. Wikipedia In Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol, Marley’s Ghost tells Ebenezer Scrooge he will receive visits from three spirits: The Ghost of Christmas Past, The Ghost of Christmas Present, and…

How Big is Penguin Random House – The #1 Publishing House

According to my research, Penguin Random Hous is Numbe 1 of the Big 5 Publishing Houses as follows: 1-Penguin Random House 2-HarperCollins 3-Simon & Schuster 4-Hachette Book Group 5-Macmillan How Big Is Penguin Random House? To begin with, Penguin Random House is located as New York City’s 77th tallest building, at 1745 Broadway. The Random…