Vegetables I’m Growing in My Garden 2024

Kitchen Herbs Basil Sweet Basil (Ocimum basilicum) Image Credit: Catnip Catmint (Nepeta Cataria) Image Credit: Outsidepride Seeds Height: 24″ Catmint ‘Walker’s Low’ Nepeta (Nepeta faassenii) – 3 plants Image Credit: American Meadows Height: 24-30″ tall Chamomile Chamomile Image Credit: Wikipedia Height: 8″ – 24″ Chives Chives Image Credit: Farmer’s Almanac Height: 6″ – 8″…

Herbs, Pollinators, Shrubs, and Flowers Planted in My Garden in 2024

I work in my garden almost every day, and planting is a continuum for me. I’ll start with December of 2023, when I planted 2 gallon-sized Zepherine Drouhin Roses. I planted them on each side of an entrance into my rose garden. I was a bit worried about how they would fare during the winter–especially…

Tips for Growing Vegetables in Containers

Jacki Kellum Garden – Raised Bed I garden in raised beds. In a way, my entire garden is a huge container. But for purposes of variety and to create height in places, I also grow some of my outside garden plants in containers. Container Planting in Jacki Kellum Garden Contents of the above container: Purple…

Swiss Chard: A Beautiful Plant that Is Also Nutritious

Swiss Chard ‘Bright Lights’ (Beta vulgaris var cicl) I must be twitterpated by the thought of starting my 2024 garden, but today I noticed, for the first time, a gorgeous vegetable plant Swiss Chard Bright Lights. I had always heard that Swiss Chard is bitter, and perhaps I have simply blocked out this gorgeous plant…

Setting Up My Flower, Herb & Plant Business – First Steps

Cottage Garden Living Plant Shop For many, many years, I have been building a plant business, but until now,  my efforts have been on the back burner. But this spring, I’m moving forward with my plan. I have maintained my garden website Cottage Garden Living for at least ten years: This spring, I’ll set…

Bee Balm or Monarda – Queen of the Herbs in My Garden

Bee Balm or Monarda is a Native Plant, and it is a pollinatorBee Balm ‘Jacob Cline’ (Monarda didyma) Image Credit: American Meadows Height: 36-48″  tall The hummingbirds must believe that the bright red Jacob Cline is a delicacy. Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa) Image Credit: American Meadows Height: 24 – 48″ tall The Native Americans made…

Artemisia – Herb Named for an Ancient Greek Goddess

There are about 500 species of Artemisia. In this post, I’ll tell you about a few of those varieties, and I’ll tell you about the Ancient Greek Goddess Artemis. Diana and Cupid Painted by Pomeo Batoni at the Metropolitan Museum of Art 1761 “Artemisia was named for the Greek goddess Artemis. In Ancient Greek Mythology,…