The Moon – Its Mystery and Its Myths

MOONLIGHT. “The light of the moon and the changes of the moon were probably the first phenomena which led men to study the motions of the heavenly bodies. In our times, when most men live where artificial illumination is used at night, we can scarcely appreciate the full value of moonlight to men who cannot obtain…

Ancient Egyptian Mythology – Ancient Religions

The Ennead “Ancient Egyptians had several myths regarding the creation of the world. One of the most popular creation myths featured the Ennead, a group of nine ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses. Atum was thought to be the first god and creator of the world and from Atum the Ennead were born.” British Museum Atum’s…

Islam – Ancient Religions

Image Credit: History Alive Textbook “Muhammad was born around 570 C.E. He taught the faith called Islam, which became one of the major religions of the world.” History Alive Textbook But Islam began centuries before that, when Abraham rejected and expelled his older son Ishmael, who relocated west of the Israelits. His descendants became the…

Ancient Egypt – Its Civilization and Stories

Prehistoric Period 5500-3100 BCE Garden of Eden in Mesopotamia c. 4026 BCE Early Dynastic Period 3100-2680 BCE Old Kingdom 2650-2175 BCE Noah and the Flood in Mesopotamia  c.2348 BCE First Intermediate Period 2175-1975 BCE Abraham was born in Mesopotamia c. 2055 BCE Image Credit: Thought Co. On the above map, the Fertile Crescent is colored…

Ancient Civilizations – A List & A Few Facts

The Native Americans “Native Americans are considered an ancient civilization, as archaeological and genetic evidence shows that people have inhabited the Americas for at least 20,000 years, with their ancestors migrating across the Bering Strait land bridge from Asia, establishing diverse cultures across North and South America before European contact. Early arrival: The first Native…

Neoclassisism and the Classical Ideal

In terms of art history, the Classical Period of Art was Created During the Eras of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Marble statue of Aphrodite 1st or 2nd century A.D. Roman – Copy of a Greek statue of the 3rd or 2nd century B.C. “The goddess of love is shown as though surprised at her bath. Originally,…

Athena and Arachne

CHAPTER IV THE BIRTH OF ATHENE One day Zeus was ill. To us it is strange to think of the gods as suffering the same pains as mortals suffer, but to the Hellenes it seemed quite natural. Zeus was ill. His head ached so severely that he bade all the gods assemble in Olympus to find…