How to Write about Nature – Learning from Dorothy Wordsworth’s Grasmere Journal

Excerpts from Dorothy Wordsworth’s Journal DOROTHY WORDSWORTH’S JOURNAL WRITTEN AT GRASMERE (From 10th October 1801 to 29th December 1801) Sunday, October 25th.—Went upon Helvellyn. Glorious sights. The sea at Cartmel. The Scotch mountains beyond the sea to the right. Whiteside large, and round, and very soft, and green, behind us. Mists above and below, and…

Dorothy Wordsworth – Excerpts from Her Grasmere Journal

DOROTHY WORDSWORTH’S JOURNAL WRITTEN AT GRASMERE (14th May to 21st December 1800) MAY 14TH, 1800.—The lake looked to me, I knew not why, dull and melancholy, and the weltering on the shores seemed a heavy sound. I walked as long as I could amongst the stones of the shore. The wood rich in flowers; a…

The Importance of Writing in a Journal

This spring, I vow to reestablish the important practice of observing nature closely and of recording what I see, smell and hear in a journal. Much of writing is about recreating sensory details, and I am convinced that learning to be more in the moment and observing what I sense in the moment will help…