Another Summer Bouquet – Jacki Kellum Watercolor Painting

Another Summer Bouquet Jacki Kellum Watercolor Painting Colors Used Item by Item Black-Eyed Susans Cadmium Yellow Light Cadmium Yellow Dark Cadmium Orange Cadmium Red Light Prussian Blue Orange Zinnia Cadmium Yellow Light Cadmium Yellow Dark Cadmium Orange Cadmium Red Light Bee Balm Red Jacob Cline Cadmium Red Light Cadmium Red Dark Opus Bee Balm Foliage…

How to Paint Another Summer Bouquet in Watercolor

Before You Paint – COMPOSE YOUR BOQUET Another Summer Bouquet Jacki Kellum Watercolor Part 1: Paint Some Yellows & Orange Colors Pencil Sketch Before Painting Princeton Brush Velvet Touch 14LR Paint Petals in the Direction They Are Growing Jacki Kellum Color Wheel Yellow to Orange to Reds DaVinci Watercolor Paint Cadmium Yellow Light Cadmium Yellow…

Hooray for the Red, White, and Blue – Jacki Kellum Oil Paintings

In my college art classes, I initially trained to paint in oils, but for most of the past 50 years, I’ve painted in watercolor, which is a much less forgiving medium–especially for loose, expressionistic painters. For quite some time, I’ve wanted to try oils again, and I’m finally doing that again. I’ve spent the month…

How Many Hours Does It Take to Create A 1-Hour Painting and Why?

Yesterday, I posted images of my 1-Hour painting Lilies, and within minutes someone asked me how much that this painting would cost. Lilies – Jacki Kellum Acrylic Painting Created in 1 Hour I came back with the price of $300, and I could almost hear jaws drop. “What? $300 for 1 hour of work?” Well,…

A Peek into Jacki Kellum’s Studio in the Ozark Mountains.

Roses in a Striped Mug – Jacki Kellum Acrylic Painting January 21, 2021 Today, I was painting, and before my still life fell apart, I decided to snap a shot of my setup–in the spot where I actually paint. I live in a house that is about 125 years old, and I paint in a…