Recipes for Rose, Lavender, & Other Potpourris

Jacki Kelllum Dried Flower Bouquet

I dried these flowers naturally — by hanging them upside down. It’s a hobby I have enjoyed almost all my life.

Grandma’s Closet
by Jacki Kellum

The bonnet’s at the very top
The duster’s down below.
Fancy flowers are drying still
They’re hanging in a row.

Breathe the sunshine, weeds, and dirt,
Catch the seeds from Grandma’s skirt,
Save them in your summer shirt.

Plant them; let them grow.

©Jacki Kellum October 9, 2015

When I dry flowers, I simply hang them upside down in a dark and shektered place. I don’t use silicon or any ither chemical during the drying porcess. Some of the fkiwers dry beautifukky. Some disintegrate. Beacuse I can;t bear to throw the broken pieces and petals away, I make potpourri.

What Is Potpourri?

a mixture of dried petals and spices placed in a bowl or small sack to perfume clothing or a room. – Definitions from Oxford Languages

Potpourri Recipes


“Place dried rose petals in a large bowl and add orange peel and dried lavender.

Sprinkle with lavender oil and toss gently.

Transfer to one or more glass jars, seal and allow the aromas to blend for a day or two.

To dry the petals, try one of these methods:” Whole Foos

Microwave Drying Rose Petals
“Line a microwave-safe plate with a paper towel. Scatter about 1 1/2 lightly packed cups (about 2 small handfuls) of petals over the paper towel (don’t crowd the plate or your petals will steam, not dry). Microwave for 1 minute intervals, stirring petals gently between intervals, until the petals are crisp, 2 to 5 minutes total. Place them on a large wire rack to cool for 1 to 2 hours.” Whole Foods

“Potpourri was first documented in the mid-18th century but has a far longer history. Early potpourri was made just like this recipe with scented flowers, herbs and spices. Roses were often the star of the show with their soothing and calming scent. Many shop-bought roses have been genetically modified to have their scent gene removed and are often sprayed with pesticides. So, to make your homemade potpourri we recommend untreated, fragrant homegrown roses or scented English garden roses, like ours, for the best scent. If you are  picking your own, we would suggest first thing in the morning, after the dew has settled. Here on our sustainable South Downs Flower farm we always pick first thing, as the flowers have had the benefit of the cool night air and morning dew, so the stems are filled with water and carbohydrates and the blooms have an abundance of natural scent, whereas as the day warms up the stems start to slowly dehydrate.” Real Flower Co,


List from Chmistry Cachet

Dried Orange Peels Are Also a Good Addition to Potpourr

You must also dry the orange peels:

You can also dry orange peells in a ark closet for 5 to 6 days or you can dry them in the over:

“Spread them on a parchment-paper-lined baking sheet and dry in the oven for about 25 to 30 minutes. If the peel starts to brown, turn off the oven for a few minutes, and rotate the pan. The peels will curl up and turn stiff when they’re dry.” The Spruce