Register Today for the Linda Camacho & Dakotas SCBWI Webinar

Although she has held other positions in the publishing industry, Linda Camacho is currently an agent with Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency.

Her Wish List is Published Here:

“Linda Camacho, agent with Gallt & Zacker, graduated from Cornell with a B.S. in Communication and has held various positions at Penguin Random House, Dorchester, Simon and Schuster, Writers House, and Prospect Agency. She’s done everything from foreign rights to editorial to marketing to operations, and received her MFA in children’s writing from the Vermont College of Fine Arts.”

I have written several posts lately, detailing what is needed for success in several of the genres within writing for children. I have discovered agents are vitally important to a book’s success.

Without a good agent, you can’t get your work seen by one of the Big 5 Publishers, and without a Big 5 Publisher, a book’s success is further limited. 

Linda’s workshop with the Dakotas SCBWI is titled:

An Agent’s Perspective: Great Craft and Smart Business!

“It’s an opportunity to devote quality time to your writing. You will: 

– – find out how to prevent a “saggy” middle and how to write a manuscript that gets and keeps everyone’s attention (craft talks)

– – find out things to know about literary agents and the process from idea to publication of a novel (business talks)”

I had already determined that I need to get serious about finding a great agent, and this webinar seems like the perfect place for me to start.  If you want to participate, too, click on the link below:

Dakotas 2020 Fall Workshop



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