Rustic Touches in My Cottage Gardens – Old Garden Roses

Lady Banks Rose in Jacki Kellum Garden This year, I am adding some vigorous climbing roses, to my garden,  including Lady Banks and Peggy Martin. Both of these roses require super strong support. Lady Banksia Rose [Lady Banks] Image Credit: Heirloom Roses 1807 Lady Banks or Banksia Rose was first cultivated in 1807. This old…

Chandler – Best Strawberry Plant for Mississippi – Excellent Flavor

Chandler Strawberry “Bred Especially for Southern Growers! ‘Chandler’ strawberry plants are very popular with commercial growers because of their high yield, brilliant fruit color, and excellent flavor. Fruit is medium to large, long to flattish wedge, moderately firm, juicy berries with good flavor, freezes well. ‘Chandler’ plants are a vigorous, early, midseason variety and must…

Herbs, Pollinators, Shrubs, and Flowers Planted in My Garden in 2024

I work in my garden almost every day, and planting is a continuum for me. I’ll start with December of 2023, when I planted 2 gallon-sized Zepherine Drouhin Roses. I planted them on each side of an entrance into my rose garden. I was a bit worried about how they would fare during the winter–especially…

Setting Up My Flower, Herb & Plant Business – First Steps

Cottage Garden Living Plant Shop For many, many years, I have been building a plant business, but until now,  my efforts have been on the back burner. But this spring, I’m moving forward with my plan. I have maintained my garden website Cottage Garden Living for at least ten years: This spring, I’ll set…