Read to Write – Take Natalie Babbitt’s Advice: The Best Way to Learn to Write Is to Read

Read to Write

When Natalie Babbitt was asked for her advice to writers, her answer was: “Read.”

On August 1, join me for a FREE online study of Natalie Babbitt’s Tuck Everlasting.

Within a few words, we’ll discover that Babbitt follwed her own advice.

In many ways, Tuck Everlasting is a tribute to Ray Bradbury’s Something Wicked This Way Comes. Both Something Wicked and Tuck begin with a prologue, and the prologues of both books are tributes to a month. The Prologue to Something Wiked is a celebration of October, and we’ll read together that book in October.

The Prologue of Tuck Everlasting is a celebration of August.

Both Something Wicked and Tuck Everlasting are books about Time and the Seasons of Life, and both are masterful examples of Descriptive  Writing and Character Development.

Join me on August 1, as we begin to learn how to effectively write a story with Natalie Babbitt. Chapter by Chapter, we’ll devour Babbitt’s excellent usage of the tools available to every writer.



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