Cotton Fabrics for Quilting

Rose Prints Boao on Amazon 5 Star Bella Rose on Tan Joann’s Plaids Tatuo on Amazon 4 Stars Solid Sets 8″ Squares Gnognauq on Amazon 4″ Square Gnognauq on Amazon Blacks Cottage Rose Floral Calico Cotton Hobby Lobby 5 Star Beiges and Browns Vines on Cream Joann’s Tiny Mums on Neutral Joann’s Square Clusters on…

The Underground Railroad: Excerpts from Reminiscences by Levi Coffin

THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD: LEVI COFFIN RECEIVING A COMPANY OF FUGITIVES IN THE OUTSKIRTS OF CINCINNATI, OHIO. (From a painting by C. T. Webber, Cincinnati, Ohio.) – INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. GENEALOGY. ” THE following brief sketch of the Coffin family is gathered from the first number of the American Historical Record, published at Philadelphia, and from private…