A Few Things to Know about Dionysus of Ancient Greek Mythology, The Feast of Bacchus, and The Last Supper: My Thoughts about the Opening Ceremony of the 2024 Summer Olympics

At the opening of the 2024 Summer Olympics, a depiction of a feast celebration sparked heated discussions–especially among many Americans, who assumed that the depiction was a disrespectul representation of the Biblical Last Supper. In my opinion, the feast depicted was the Feast of Ancient Greece’s Mythological Dionysus, whose Roman counterpart was Bacchus. Both Dionysus…

The Horae and Other Ancient Greek Deities that Celebrate the Seasons

The Horae – Detail – Poynter “The Horae were originally the personifications of nature in its different seasonal aspects….” Wikipedia Yesterday, I wrote about how I celebrate the seasons in my garden: In the above post, I acknowlege that I am aware of my own internal clock that has a need to celebrate the seasons…