Sweet Autumn Clematis – Like Little White Fairies Circling Around My Garden — But Beware! This Girl Can Be Invasive!

Sweet Autumn Clematis and Red New Guinea Impatiens – Jacki Kellum Garden September 2022

Every time I mention that I love Sweet Autumn Clematis, a group of garden puriists hiss and boo. You see, Sweet Autumn Clematis is NOT a Native Plant, and Yes, It Can Be Invasive.

But for anyone who is trying to create a privacy screen, Sweet Autumn Clematis is Your Gal.

When I moved back to Mississippi, my first challenge was that of creating a short wall to camouflage the air conitioner unit that was just outside my back door.

Jacki Kellum Garden Wall June 21, 2023

My second project was that of covering some of the matted Bermuda grass in my backyard and creating some raised beds.

Garden Wall and First Raised Bed  in Jacki Kellum’s Garden. Julne of 2023

In the above photo, you can also see that the view from the garden that I was creating was compromised by the sight of my neighbor’s house.

Step 3, I added a garden arch at the end of a garden area, and I planted Sweet Autumn Clematis there, hoping that it would soon overtake [or INVADE] that area with dainy white flowers and a massive vine. creating a privacy screen that would begin to define my garden as a small, intimate space.

The Project Continued in 2024

Step 4, I added more raised beds and extended the area that would become a garden wall beyond that first arbor.

Jacki Kellum Garden April 19, 2024

Step 5: I added additional raised beds, arbors and trellises, and I added twig fencing to the outside of that fence.

I used twig fencing because that was the least expensive fence that I could create. Again, I knew from the beginning that the Sweet Autumn Clematis would soon cover much of that area, In June of 2024, I added a trumpet vine on the other end of this area, to travel toward the Sweet Autumn Clematis. Soon, those two vines should meet in the middle.

The project has continued since this step, but today’s post is about Sweet Autumn Clematis, and here is my plant on August 7, 2024, about 1 year after I planted it:

Again, Sweet Autumn Clematis IS INVASIVE–if it is not watched closely.

If you elect to plant Sweet Autumn Clematis, Be Advised that It Can Get Out of Control. But in the same breath, understand, that it can be pruned aggressively. In regards to my project, I want an invasive vine that will quickly cover an unsightly fence-want-to-be, and I want to create a privacy screen.

In the meantime, I’ll enjoy how my garden will seemingly swarm with little white fairies–just as the summer turns to fall–and it’s about that time of year.




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