Stories from the Bible

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The Child’s Story of the Bible

Includes the following:

I. The Beginning of Things
II. The Great Flood
III. Abraham—the Father of the Faithful
IV. Isaac, the Shepherd Prince
V. Jacob, a Prince of God
VI. Joseph, the Castaway
VII. Joseph, a Servant, a Prisoner and a Saint
VIII. Joseph, the Savior of His People
IX. The Cradle that was Rocked by a River
X. Moses in Midian
XI. The Rod that Troubled Egypt
XII. Following the Cloud
XIII. In the Borders of Canaan
XIV. A Nation that was Born in a Day
XV. Samson, the Strong
XVI. Ruth
XVII. Samuel—the Child of the Temple
XVIII. The Making of a King
XIX. The Shepherd Boy of Bethlehem
XX. The Power of a Pebble
XXI. Faithful unto Death
XXII. David, the Outcast
XXIII. Every Inch a King
XXIV. David’s Sin
XXV. David’s Sorrow
XXVI. The Building of the Golden House
XXVII. Elijah, the Great Heart of Israel
XXVIII. The Little Chamber on the Wall
XXIX. A Little Maid of Israel
XXX. The Two Boy Kings
XXXI. The Four Captive Children
XXXII. The Master of the Magicians
XXXIII. The Story of Jonah
XXXIV. Esther, the Queen


I. The Angels of the Advent
II. Following the Star
III. The Flight into Egypt
IV. The Boy of Nazareth
V. The Young Carpenter
VI. The Voice in the Wilderness
VII. Jesus in the Desert
VIII. The First Disciples
IX. The First Miracle
X. In His Father’s House
XI. A Talk about the Breath of God
XII. A Talk about the Water of Life
XIII. Jesus in the Synagogue
XIV. Among the Fishermen
XV. The Healing Hand of Jesus
XVI. Following Jesus
XVII. Friends of Jesus
XVIII. The Lord of Life
XIX. Mary of Magdala
XX. Stories Told by the Lake
XXI. Stilling the Storm
XXII. Called Back
XXIII. Two by Two
XXIV. Walking the Waves—The Two Kingdoms
XXV. A Journey with Jesus
XXVI. The Christian Sabbath—Peter’s Confession of Faith
XXVII. “And We Beheld His Glory”—A Father’s Faith
XXVIII. The Lord and the Little Ones—Leaving Galilee
XXIX. At the House of Martha—The Good Shepherd
XXX. The Lesson Stories of Jesus
XXXI. The Voice that Waked the Dead—The Children of the Kingdom
XXXII. The Young Man that Jesus Loved
XXXIII. The Last Journey to Jerusalem
XXXIV. The Prince of Peace
XXXV. The Children in the Temple
XXXVI. The Last Day in the Temple
XXXVII. The Last Words in the Temple
XXXVIII. An Evening on the Mount of Olives
XXXIX. The Holy Supper
XL. The Night of the Betrayal
XLI. Despised and Rejected of Men
XLII. The King of Heaven at the Bar of Pilate
XLIII. Love and Death
XLIV. Love and Life
XLV. The Evening of Easter
XLVI. The Lord’s Last Days with His Disciples
XLVII. “He Ascended into Heaven”
XLVIII. The Promise of the Father
Children’s Bible
Henry A. Sherman
Charles Foster Kent
The Story of Creation 3
God’s Good Gifts to Man 4
The First Disobedience 5
Cain and His Brother Abel 6
Noah and the Great Flood 7
The Story of the Tower of Babel 9
Abraham the Friend of God and Man 10
Lot’s Escape from a Wicked City 11
God’s Care for the Boy Ishmael 14
Abraham’s Loyalty to God 14
How Rebekah Became the Wife of Isaac 15
How Jacob Deceived His Father 19
Jacob’s Dream 21
The Deceiver Deceived 22
Meeting a Brother Who Had Been Wronged 24
Joseph Sold as a Slave by His Brothers 26
Joseph’s Eagerness to Help Others 27
A Prisoner Who Became a Mighty Ruler 29
The Testing of Joseph’s Brothers 32
Joseph’s Forgiveness of His Brothers 36
Joseph’s Loyalty to His Family 38
[viii]The Boyhood and Training of Moses 40
The Voice from the Bush 42
Pharaoh the Stubborn Ruler 44
The Cost of Being Cruel and Stubborn 45
The Escape from Egypt 49
God’s Commands to the People 52
Our Duties to God and Man 54
The Report of the Hebrew Spies 55
The Last Words of Moses 56
Crossing the River Jordan 57
The Capture of Jericho and Ai 60
Women Who Saved a Nation 62
Gideon’s Brave Band 64
Jephthah’s Foolish Promise 67
Samson Who Did to Others as They Did to Him 69
A Strong Man Who Lost His Strength 71
The Devotion of Ruth 74
Samuel the Boy Prophet 78
The Ark Among the Philistines 81
How Samuel Found a Leader 84
Jonathan’s Brave Deed 87
David’s Victory over the Giant 90
Saul’s Mean Jealousy 93
Jonathan’s Love for David 94
The Cost of a Lie 97
A Soldier Who Spared His Enemy 98
[ix]Abigail’s Sensible Advice 101
Making the Best of Trouble 103
The Death of Two Brave Warriors 106
A Shepherd Boy Who Was Called to Lead a Nation 109
Jerusalem Made the Capital City 111
David’s Kindness to Jonathan’s Son 112
A Rich Man Who Was a Thief 113
Absalom the Ungrateful Son 115
A Broken-Hearted Father 119
How Solomon Became the Ruler of Israel 120
A Young Man’s Wise Choice 123
Building a Great Temple 124
A Ruler Who Wronged His People 125
Rehoboam’s Great Mistake 127
Elijah and the Widow’s Son 128
The Prophet of Fire 130
God’s Low Whisper 132
Ahab the Thief 134
Micaiah’s Courage in Telling the Truth 135
The Mantle of Elijah 137
Elisha Healing the Sick Boy 138
A Slave Girl Who Helped Her Master 139
Elisha’s Way of Treating Enemies 141
The End of Ahab’s Selfish Family 144
The Boy Joash on the Throne of Judah 146
A Young Man Who Said, “Send Me” 147
[x]Jeremiah’s Call to Do a Hard Task 148
The Young Josiah and the Book of the Law 149
The Writing of an Ancient Book 151
A Prophet Who Saved a Great City 153
Jeremiah’s Courage in Danger 155
The Sad Fate of a Guilty Nation 156
The Courage of Four Captives 158
A King’s Strange Dream 159
The Test by Fire 162
The Handwriting on the Wall 164
Daniel in the Lions’ Den 166
Queen Esther’s Love for Her People 167
Rebuilding the Temple 174
Nehemiah’s Answer to a Call for Help 175
Overcoming Great Difficulties 177
A Brave Knight 179
Jonah the Narrow-Minded Patriot 180
The Story of Job 182
The King of Glory 190
God the Loving Creator 191
God the Loving Father 193
God from Whom All Good Things Come 194
God’s Goodness and Mercy 194
God the All-seeing 195
God Who Always Watches over His People 197
God Who Protects from All Danger 197
[xi]God’s Protection of Those Who Trust in Him 199
God’s Loving Care 200
Trusting in God’s Care 201
A Prayer of Trust 201
Safety in God’s Care 202
God Our Refuge 203
The Joy of Worshipping God 204
What God Asks of Those Who Worship Him 205
A Call To Praise God 206
The United Song of Praise 206
Man’s Place in God’s World 208
The Reward of Doing Right 208
A Prayer for Forgiveness 209
The Rewards of Listening to the Advice of the Wise 211
What God Likes and Dislikes 212
God’s Care for Those Who Try to Do Right 213
The Way to Be Well and Happy 214
The Importance of Being Willing to Learn 214
How To Honor Your Parents 215
The Troubles of Those Who Are Lazy 216
Things That Are Better Than Riches 216
Right Eating and Drinking 217
The Right Use of the Tongue 218
The Control of the Temper 218
What It Means to Be Modest 219
Being Generous and Loving 219


Jesus Is Born at Bethlehem 223
The Wise Men Bring Gifts to the Young Child 224
The Boy Jesus Asks Questions 225
John the Baptist Tells of Jesus’ Work 225
Jesus Decides How He Will Do His Work 226
Jesus Wins Devoted Friends 227
The Wedding at Cana 228
The Healing of the Ten Lepers 229
Healing the Man at the Pool 229
Jesus Talks with a Samaritan Woman 230
Giving Life to a Widow’s Son 231
Jesus Heals the Sick 232
Jesus Cures a Man Who Cannot Walk 233
Jesus Makes Even Wrong-doers His Friends 233
Jesus Finds Joy in All His Work 234
Jesus Calms the Storm 235
Jesus Heals a Little Girl 236
Jesus Visits His Old Home 237
Jesus Calls Together His Friends and Helpers 238
What Jesus Asks of His Friends and Helpers 238
The Way to Learn From Jesus 239
The Rewards for Following Jesus’ Teachings 241
God’s Love Even for Sinners 242
God’s Readiness to Answer Prayer 243
[xiii]How to Pray 244
Why We Should Trust God 245
The Kingdom of God 245
The Two Great Commandments 247
The Rewards of Modesty and Unselfishness 247
How to Use Money 248
Different Ways of Using Talents 249
The Good Samaritan 250
The Way to Treat Those Who Wrong Us 250
The Golden Rule 251
The People Who Are Really Happy 252
Jesus Sends Out the First Missionaries 252
Jesus Praises John the Baptist 253
Jesus Feeds the Hungry 254
Jesus Tells What It Means to Be Clean 256
Jesus Is Kind to a Stranger 256
Jesus Makes an Heroic Choice 257
Jesus Is Glorified 258
Jesus Tells How One May Become Great 258
Jesus Makes the Wicked Zaccheus His Friend 259
Jesus Is Gladly Welcomed by the People 259
Jesus Fights Wrong in the Temple 260
Jesus Condemns Those Who Pretend to Be Good 262
Jesus Warns His Disciples 263
Jesus Cures a Blind Man 264
Jesus Tells What He Came to Do 265
[xiv]Jesus Brings Lazarus Back to Life 266
Jesus Praises a Woman Who Gave Her Best 268
Jesus Eats the Last Supper with His Disciples 268
Jesus Encourages His Friends and Helpers 269
Jesus Is Seized by the Mob 271
Jesus in the Hands of His Enemies 272
Jesus Is Crucified by His Enemies 274
Jesus Conquers Death 276
Jesus Walks and Talks With Two of His Disciples 277
Jesus Gives His Last Command to His Helpers 278
The Wonders of the Day of Pentecost 280
The Healing of the Lame Man at the Beautiful Gate 281
The Generosity of the Early Christians 283
Stephen the First Christian Martyr 284
Philip and the Ethiopian 286
Peter and the Roman Officer 287
Peter’s Escape from Prison 289
Paul’s Account of What He Saw and Heard on His Way to Damascus 290
The Christian Church at Antioch 291
Paul and Barnabas in Foreign Lands 292
Why Paul Went to Macedonia 295
Paul and Silas in Macedonia 296
Paul’s Great Speech at Athens 298
Paul Writes to His Friends at Thessalonica 299
Paul’s Work at Corinth 301
Paul Writes To His Friends in Corinth 301
[xv]The New Life After Death 304
Ways of Showing Love 305
Paul’s Trials and Victories at Ephesus 305
Paul Writes to the Christians at Rome 307
Paul’s Last Journey To Jerusalem 308
Paul’s Narrow Escape From Death 310
A Prisoner Who Preached To His Judges 313
Paul’s Shipwreck 315
The End of Paul’s Long Journey 318
Paul’s Last Words To His Friends 319
The Meaning of Faith 321
The Importance of Doing What Is Right 322
The Love That Makes Men Brothers 323
The Glory and Honor That Jesus Has Won 324
The Reward of the Faithful 326
The New Heaven on Earth 327

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