Saffron – Autumn Crocus – Herb & Essential Oil Blends

Saffron Crochus
(Crocus sativus)
Image Credit: American Meadows

“Saffron is worth its weight in gold, so it pays to grow your own! These  flower in fall and offer you pure, prized edible saffron on each flower’s stigmas. Easy to grow and exceptional in containers. (Crocus sativus)” American Meadows

“Saffron: This is far and away the most popular fall-flowering crocus, and here’s why. In recent years, the spice, saffron, has become increasingly expensive, (often as high as $70 oz.) so more and more gardeners are growing their own. These beautiful purple crocus will open and offer you pure saffron on each flower’s ‘stigmas.’ It’s easy to harvest, and fresher than any you can buy. Harvesting Saffron: When the flowers are fresh, simply remove the bright red stigmas you’ll see in each flower’s center; they carry the saffron spice. You can use it immediately in the fresh form, or dry it for later use. To dry your saffron, simply spread the red stigmas out for several days on a paper towel in a warm dry place. Once they’re dry, store them in an air-tight container in a cool place, and use the saffron whenever you like.” American Meadows


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