The challenge for Day 6 of the #14DayPBChallenge is to write your official first draft. We have spent several days describing, describing, researching eras, and describing some more. Today, I want to put away your notes and your descriptions, and everything else that might distract you. I want you to close your eyes and recall…
Category: Uncategorized
Create a Text Dummy for Your Picture Book + A Look at A Variety of Different Types of Picture Books – Different Number of Pages – Different Pages to Begin the Text
Today, I have several objectives: I want you to know how to create a picture book text dummy. Unlike an illustrator’s dummy, a text dummy is for writers. It will help them edit and re-edit their books. It will also help them with their books’ pacing–helping them understand where the page breaks should fall. Above all…
I Am Foverver Trapped in the 1800s
I am a true Romanticist. I am more engaged with my Romanic and idealized vision of the past than I am with the present. I am emotionally trapped in the 1800s, but none of my picture books [at this point] spring from that period. I am, however, currently creating one or more series of books…
14-Day Picture Book Challenge Day 4 – Describe the Main Character of Your Picture Book
Day 4 Challenge – 14 Day Picture Book Challenge – Describe the Main Character of Your Picture Book. Step 1: Decide what story that you want to tell. Step 2: Decide who is the star of your story. Step 3: Describe that Character Your assignment today is to fill your mind with as many details…
14 Day #PB Challenge – How to Create, Edit, Format, Submit, & Tweet about a Picture Book
Beginning April 3, I Will Host a 14-Day Challenge for Picture Book Writers. I have begun researching and preparing to create another picture book. In fact, I am hoping to create a series of books, and I thought that I’d create a #PBChallenge so that I can encourage other people to join me as I…
Rabbit Sketch – Drawing Done in Procreate
Rabbit – Jacki Kellum Procreate Drawing March 30, 2022 Step 1: I Outlined the Rabbit with Procreate Pencil 6B Step 2: I added some shading with Max’s Brush Sketchy Sarmento Step 3: I washed in some of the darker areas using some watercolor brushes Step 4: I added sketching details with both Pencil 6B and…
Some Great Tutorials for Drawing and Painting in Procreate
Daffodil – Jacki Kellum Sketch in Procreate – March 29, 2022 Off and on, I have been watching Procreate tutorials. Youtube is a great resource for adding to your understanding of how to create in Procreate, but I have also purchased several tutorials along the way. Polly’s Friend in Green – Insprired by Aveline Stokard…
Canva Is A Quick & Easy Way to Make Video Book Announcements for Authors & New Books
Without a doubt, the 21st Century is the heyday of video-enhanced data. I don’t need to quote professional sources to postulate that kids today spend an inordinate amount of time playing video games or similar video-oriented games. I’ll go beyond that and say that many of their parents grew up playing video games, too, and…
Color Chart for Golden Acrylic Paints
Several people have asked me to offer a class about how I paint with acrylics, and most of those people are primarily impressed with how I use color. Today, I have begun putting that class together, and my first step is to show you most of the Golden acrylic paint colors and how I group…
Hey Diddle Diddle – Illustrated by Randolph Caldecott c.1908
HEY DIDDLE DIDDLE Hey Diddle Diddle The Cat and the Fiddle The Cow jumped over the Moon The little Dog laughed To see such fun And the Dish ran away with the Spoon.