Day 2 – December 4, 2023 In the beginning, God created everything in our world, but He created it one step at a time. He created the world out of empty nothingness. First, He added light. He didn’t create the sun and the stars or night and day on the first day, but he created…
Why Do We Light Candles During Advent?
Keep in mind that there are no MUST-Dos for Advent, but I like to read a Bible story each day, and I like to create ornaments for my Jesse Tree. I also like to create an Advent Wreath of fresh and live greenery, with Candles I also like to light an Advent Candle each night….
Advent Day 1 – A Story and Some Activities for the Family
Day 1 – December 3, 2023 The Story & the Song Today’s Story lays the groundwork for Advent. It explains that God sent His son because He loves His people, Today’s story begins by telling us that God’s creation of the world is a reflection of His love. “The heavens are singing about how great…
Advent Daily Calendar & Stories
Day 1 – December 3, 2023 The Story & the Song Day 2 – December 4, 2023 The Beginning: Creation of a Perfect Home from Genesis 1 – 2 Day 3 – December 5, 2023 The Terrible Lie: Adam and Eve in Eden from Genesis 3 Day 4 – December 6, 2023 A New Beginning:…
Advent Is A Season of Light -Disney’s I See the Light Is My Anthem of Advent
For me, Advent is also a time of music, and nothing says Christmas better than music. I’m not only talking about Christmas music. Advent is a time for the family to come and wait together for Christmas when Christians celebrate–yet again– the birth of Jesus. While it would be lovely to share some gorgeous adult…
The Tradition of Lighting Candles During Advent
I celebrated my first Advent Season many years ago, while I was teaching art at an Episcopal Day School. Among other things, we lit a candle at the beginning of each day. At this time, I still like to light candles during Advent, but lighting candles is not an Advent must. As I have said…
In Genesis, We Are Told that God Created the World — What Does that Say about God?
Last year, in honor of the publication of my debut picture book, The Donkey’s Song, I launched an Advent program that I hope to enlarge every year. Very briefly, Advent is a way of preparing for Christmas–one day at a time–and it begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas. People celebrate Advent in several ways….
Quotes about November and a Free November Calendar
“October extinguished itself in a rush of howling winds and driving rain and November arrived, cold as frozen iron, with hard frosts every morning and icy drafts that bit at exposed hands and faces.” ― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix “In November, the smell of food is different. It is an orange…
Free Memoir Writing Challenge Day 4 – Write in a Stream of Conscioiusness – Be Free
Yesterday, we talked about adding figurative language to writing. Today, I want you to suspend that process for a while. Today, we are going to begin writing a paragraph or two about November, and I want you to suspend your search for metaphors and similes for a while. In fact, I want you to suspend…
Harvest Your Past Memoir Challenge Day 3 – Using Similes and Metaphors to Empower Your Writing
A few days ago, I launched a free memoir writing challenge. I began by referring to Cynthia Rylant’s picture book In November. If you have not read that post yet, please do. In that post, I showed how Rylant had captured the essence of November in precious few words, and I asked the participants of…