Bible Stories about Methuselah – Grandfather of Noah – In the Family Tree of Jesus

METHUSELAH mĭ thōō’ zə lə (מְתוּשֶׁ֔לַח, LXX Μαθουσάλα, meaning man of the javelin). A descendant of Seth. In the antedeluvian age of unusual longevity this man lived 969 years, longer than any other (Gen 5:27). He was the son of Enoch, the father of Lamech, and the grandfather of Noah (Gen 5:212528291 Chron 1:3). Some have felt his name implies that he was a violent man, suggesting the wickedness of the generations just before the Flood, but such a name would equally fit a hunter. Still others feel the element šelaḥ is a divine proper name indicating idolatry.” The Encyclopedia of the Bible

In the above video, we learn that Methuselah’s name prophesied the coming of God’s judgement of the wickedness in the world. The day after he died, the rains that flooded the earth and destroyed wickendess began,

Idolatry in the Old Testament

“From the said flood of Noah, unto Abraham’s departing from Chaldea, were 422years and ten days.
For the said flood continued one whole year and ten days.” Houston Christian University

David, the shepherd boy who became a king, was a descendent of Abraham, and Jesus was born out of David’s line. Because Joseph was a descendent of David, he and the expectant Mary whent to David’s family home [Bethlehem] to be taxed.

David was the son of Jesse, and because of that, many Christians begin celebrating Chrismas during the Advent Season. For some of those people, creating a Jesse Tree is part of celebrating Advent. A Jesse Tree is a representation of the Family Tree of Jesus.

What Is a Jesse Tree & Why Is a Jesse Tree an Important Part of Christmas?


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