Mistakes — Everyone Makes Them — Let’s Move Into the Light!

“Gypsy Rose Lee of Kalamazee, In Kalmazong, Mazoo, Has Looked in Her Ball –Oh!  Wonder of All– I See what she Saw was You.” Jacki Kellum Gypsy Rose Lee Jacki Kellum Illustration Reworked in Procreate Several years ago, I started a journey toward learning how to make art on my iPad in Procreate. I created…

Contour Drawing Is a Way to Explore and Truly See Your Subject Matter – Jacki Kellum Contour Drawings – Both Traditional and on Procreate

Seeing is a type of looking at something that involves a detailed recognition of all of the object’s physical traits–as well as seeing into the object’s spirit–seeing the essence of the subject.  Looking is a physical type of viewing. Truly seeing is more spiritual.  Artists and writers must be able to see. Contour Drawing is a type of…