From Dust to Dust – From Ashes to Ashes – All of Us Are at Least a Truckload of Dirt and a Promise

As usual, I started writing this post with at least two agendas. First, I need to complete the thoughts  I began this morning at 3 am–my post “To Everything, There is a Season.” I spent my 4th of July working on my computer, and by 4 pm, my eyes were swollen, and I was having difficulty seeing. By 3 am, I could hardly see at all. [If I travel the what’s-wrong-with-my-old-eyes road, I’ll never finish this post Just suffice it to say: my eyes are fighting me.] But I had something I was burning to say, and I soldiered onward. And that brings me to another agenda.

Agenda 1: To Everything There Is A Season, and before we can harvest our seeds, we must plant them.

Agenda 2: If we want our plants to prosper, we must harvest them regularly–if the plants are flowers, we must dead-head them. In terms of Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, we must empty our brains by writing Morning Pages.

Agenda 3: We must use the gifts that grew from our seeds.

Let’s return to Julia Cameron’s discussion of Artist Brain and Logic Brain. Most participants of The Artist’s Way are Logic Brain trying to implement Cameron’s Morning Pages as therapy to quieten their screamin Logic-Brain voices that continuously shout “Stop” every time they try to create.

I’ll say this again: I am Artist Brain. When I am creating, I am very prolific. My garden is filled with seeds that produce marveously. My problem is that I don’t use my gifts wisely; If I harvest my garden, I don’t follow through and push my produce to the next level.

I have several picture book manuscripts I need to send to Agents and/or Publishers, but I haven’t taken the time to find an agent. My walls are sagging with paintings. but I won’t take the time to find a reputable gallery.

When I was entering my comments on YouTube about my video yesterday, I added the observation: “We are all truckloads of dirt with a promise.

In my video about my scarlet runner beans which also had 2 agendas, I showed how my prolific spread of scarlet runner beans begn as a truckload of dirt.

“From dust to dust. From ashes to ashes.” We are all a truckload of dirt and a promise.

We must plant our seeds and harvest them. But then, we must plow to the end of the row. We must carry our goods to the market.

We are all Climbing Jacob’s Ladder. We may not all be on the same step of that ladder, but all of us need to continue to press on.

“Milk and honey on the other side; Follow the Drinking Gourd.”


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