Month: July 2024
A Pastoral Year – Summer – William Hamilton Gibson
A Pastoral Year – Summer – William Hamilton Gibso Farther on we see the lily-pond, with its surrounding swamp and its legion of crowded water-plants. Here are rank, massive beds of swamp-cabbage, and lofty cat-tails by the thousand among the bristling bogs of tussock-sedge and bulrush. Here are calamus patches, and alder thickets, and sedges without…
A Pastoral Year – Spring – William Hamilton Gibson
Published 1880 AS far as the eye can reach, the snow lies in a deep mantle over the cheerless landscape. I look out upon a dreary moor, where the horizon melts into the cold gray of a heavy sky. The restless wind sweeps with pitiless blast through shivering trees and over bleak hills, from whose crests,…
The Story of The Floundering Beetle by William Hamilton Gibson – Illustrated Nature Journal
Eye Spy: Afield with Nature Among Flowers and Animate Things Wm Hamilton Gibson PUBLISHED 1899 The Story of The Floundering Beetle AMONG my somewhat numerous correspondence from young people, I recall several wondering inquiries about a certain fat, floundering “beetle,” as “blue as indigo”; and when we consider how many other observing youngsters, including youngsters of…
Sharp Eyes Summer Journal Entries Gibson
The Bewitched Cocoons June 2d Gibson, pg. 69 Gibson, pg. 70. The Bombadier Beetle June 9th Gibson, pg. 72 Gibson, pg. 74 Gibson, pg. 75 Gibson, pg. 76 The Devil’s Coach-Horse June 9th, pg. Butterfly Botany Teachers June 16th, pg. 80
Let’s Start a Nature Journal — Let’s Sharpen Our Eyes of Perception
During the remaining days and weeks of pretty weather, I want to challenge everyone to take time to truly see what is around them–and to jot your observations in a journal of some kind. It might be a spiral notebooks–or a simple piece of paper. Rule: You must write your observation while you are outside–actually…
How to Create an Interactive Journal in Notion – Jacki Kellum Gotta Notion
Note: The above is a facsimile of my journal page in Notion. The facsimile is not interactive, but my journal in Notion is interactive. I am happy to report that I have switched to the FREE app Notion to manage my Plate-Too-Full. There is a bit of a learning curve, but HEY! I am…
Don’t Let the Perfect Be the Enemy of the Good
I had a perfect plan for my morning today. I had decided to create a litte artist hut outside—a place for me to write in my garden—surrounded by the Glory of God.–and as soon as I arose, I marched out into my garden and began my effort to create a perfect spot. But I quickly…
How to Create a Page with a Table in Notion – with Free Header & Images to Download
My Daily Drudge Page is where I monitor the llitte things I need to do every day–little things like my blogs, my garden chres, my daily writing schedule, my reading and book review schedule, and my organization routine. Below each of the above image headers, I have added bulleted lists that I can click on…