The Illustrated Bible

Image Credit: Amazon
Retold by Lois Rock
Illustrated by Christina Balit

The Old Testament

The Making of the World
The Story of the Garden of Eden
The Tree of Knowledge
Beyond the Garden
The Story of the Flood
The Flood Rises
The Flood Falls
The Promise of the Rainbow
Abraham and the Covenant
Abraham and Isaac
Isaac and His Twin Sons
Jacob’s Dreams
Jacob and the Trickster
Jacob and Esau
The Story of Joseph
Joseph Is Sold
Joseph the Slave
Joseph and the Pharaoh
Joseph Meets His Brothers
Joseph and Benjamin
The Great Exodus
The Baby Moses
Moses and His People
Moses and the Burning Bush
Moses Goes to the Pharaoh
The Stubborn Pharaoh
The Passover
Crossing the Red Sea
Wanderings in the Wilderness
The Great Commandments
Obedience and Disobedience [The Golden Calf]
The Death of Moses
The Story of Joshua
Into Canaan
The Battle of Jericho
The Stories of the Heroes [Gideon
Gideon and the Midianites
Samson the Strong
Samson’s Final Victory
The Story of Ruth
The Story of Samuel
The Story of the Great Kings
Saul the Warrior
David and Goliath
David the Outlaw
David the King
David and Bathsheba
Solomon the Wise
Solomon’s Temple
The Story of the Northern Kingdom
Elijah and the Fire from Heaven
Ahab and the Vineyard
The Chariot of Fire
The Miracles of Elisha
Jehu’s Wild Ride
The Faithful Prophet
The Story of Jonah
Jonah and the Castor Oil Plant
The Story of the Southern Kingdom
The Siege of Jerusalem
The Fall of Jerusalem
The Story of the Jews in Exile
Daniel in the Pit of Lions
The Story of the Returning Exiles
The Story of Esther
Mordecai and Haman

The New Testament

The Story of the Birth of Jesus
The Stable in Bethlehem
The Shepherds and the Angels
Old Simeon
Jealous King Herod
The Wise Men Find Jesus
The Escape to Egypt
The Story of the Boy Jesus
The Story of John
The Story of Jesus the Teacher
Water and Wine
The Two House Builders
The Prayer
Wind and Waves
The Beloved Daughter
The Miraculoous Food
The Lost Sheep
The Parable of the Good Samaritan
The Prodigal Son
Jesus and the Children
The Story of Jesus in Jerusalem
Jesus and the Temple Merchants
Jesus and the Great Commandment
The Betrayal
The Story of the Crucifixion
The Tomb
The Story of the Resurrection
Jesus and Peter
Jesus Is Taken Up to Heaven
The Day of Pentecost

Index of Bible References


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