Letters from Strega Nona – Lessons from Tomie dePaola

Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon
Illustration from Strega Nona’s Harvest

The prolific picture book author and illustrator Tomie dePaola was born on September 15

I  have recently fallen in love with Strega Nona, and I decided that I’d create a series to further peoples’ understanding of the manificence of that set of books.

Before I begin, allow me to acknowledge that I have only recentl become a Tomie dePaola fan. It is not worth my defening that position. Suffice it to say that I moved out of that bit of darkness.I was transformed when I saw the video of Mary Steenburgen’s presentation of the first picture book Strega Nona. Everything about that production is magnificent. I’ll link it at the end of this post.

After I watched Steenburgen do Strega Nona, I began to research Tomie dePaola and his Strega Nona series. That is when I realized the incredible contributions Tomie dePaola has left to children–as well as to prospective picture book authors and illustrators, too.

Strega Nona Picture Book Series by Tomie dePaola – A Chronoligcal List with Dates of Publication

For the next two weeks, I will tell you some of the things that Tomie dePaola and Strega Nona have taught me. In reality, the Strega Nona books are only a fraction of e Paola’s body of works. DePaola has written over 300 books, and although this master is no onger with us, he has left the world a tome of lessons to learn. In closely studing the Strega Nona books, I have selected several of lessons that she she offers the world. During the next 14 days, I’ll open one of those lessons and send it to the world–in appreciation of Tomie dePaola. In this post, I’ll tell you a bit about each of the Letters I’ll be sending you from dePaola and his fabulous old crone: Strega Nona.

Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon
Illustration from Strega Nona Meets Her Match

Letter #1: Plan Your Picture Book — Do the Research

Strega Nona lives in a little Italian Village. The name of that village is Calabria. One set of dePaola’s grandparents lived in Calabria, and his Strega Nona books are a celebration of the culture and the time during which the books are set.

Strega Nona is a Crone-or an Old, Rural Healer. Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon
Illustration from Strega Nona

The books about Strega Nona reflect that dePaola knew a great deal about the old peasant women who evolved into what the community would call a  Grandma Witch. He knew both the good thngs about them and the things that were not so very positive.

Letter #2: Know Your Characters — Especially Your Main Character

Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon
Illustration from Strega Nona

Know Your Main Character’s Family

Know Your Main Character’s Pets

Is Your Main Character Religioius?

Show Don’t Tell

Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon
Illustration from Strega Nona

Lesson #2 Free Write Your First Draft

Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon
Illustration from Strega Nona’s Harvest

Lesson #3  – Be Enthusiastic about Your Project or Start a New Book

Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon
Illustration from Strega Nona

Lesson #4 – Flesh Out the Rest of Your Cast of Characters. Know Them & Remeber that Some Characters are Bad — And Any of Them Might Have Bad Moods

Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon
Illustration from Strega Nona’s Magic Lesson

Show Don’t Tell!

Lesson #5 — Add the VERY Minor Characters — The Crowd

Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon
Illustration from Strega Nona

Lesson #6 — REWRITE

Lesson #7 — EDIT

Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon
Illustration from Strega Nona’s Magic Lesson

Lesson #8 – Research The Terrain of the Period — The Setting’

Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon
Illustration from The Magical Worl of Strega Nona

Note at the end of dePaola’s The Clown of God

Lesson #9 – Descriptive Writing

Lesson #10 – Research Costuming

Lesson #11 – Rewrite

Lesson #12 – Create a Picure Book Text Dummy

Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon
Illustration from Strega Nona Meets Her Match

Lesson #13 – Find an Agent

Lesson #14 – Track Your Submissions

More to Come – This series will begin on September 15.

Each Day, I’ll leave you with an Assignment — to help you put the message of the dy into practice

Write Your Character’s Biography

Is Your Character Spiritual?
Show Don’t Tell


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