Getting Ready for Apple Time – Recipes, How to Dehydrate Them, & Using an Apple Corer and Peeler

It is only two weeks until September, and September is when I celebrate Apples. First, most childeren return to school in September — and Apples are symbollically linked to teachers and schools. Second, September is the month of the birthday of the USA’s Folk Hero Johnny Appleseed:

Thanking God for the Sun, the Rain, and the Apple Seeds: Thanking God for Nature

I’ve recently gotten two new toys: a Cosori Dehydrator and a Tigwin Aapple corer, Peeler, and Slicer. I’ve decided to turn this September into an Apple-A-Day month, and I’m collecting my recipes and organizing my gear now.

Tigwin Apple Corer, Peeler, and Slicer
Image Credit: Tigwin on Amazon
Although the Tigwin Apple device looks like an agent of medieval torcher, it is a very quick and easy way to prepare apples:

Image Credit: Tigwin on Amazon

It only takes about a minute to turn a rinsed apple into a bowl of cored and peeled apple slices, and the device only costs $20.

Before I knew it, I had devoured 2 fresh apples, and that is 2 more fresh apples than I have eaten in years. For years, I have been schooled in the truths of “an-apple-a-day-keeps-the-doctor-away,” but the whole thing seemed like a hassle until I bought my Tigwin.

Now that apple eating is simple and fun, I’m an apple evangelist. I rushed to Google to assure myself of the health benefits of eating apples, and I was delighted to see that apples are packed with vitamins and theyhave an ingreditent that helps reduce inflammation. I was hooked. Visions of Apple Galettes Dance in My Head.

But First, Allow Me to Share the Easiest and Best Apple Treat Ever: Raw Apple Slices Sprinkle with Cinnamon and Sugar:

Similar to how crushed ice tastes better that slabs of ice [?????], thinly sliced apples are a treat all unto themselves. But when I sprinkle my apple slices with cinnamon & sugar, I have a delicacy. 
I like the taste of cinnamon in lots of dishes, and I buy the large economy size of McCormick Cinnamon & Sugar — What a treat!

In just a jiffy, I can peel, slice, and core my apples and enjoy a raw apple delicacy, but here’s a tip: Don’t throw away the apple peels.

Eat the Whole Apple–Don’t Waste the Peels

After tossing the peels and the cores of my first two apples, I decided to see how I could do something with the peels too. I learned that I can dehydrate the peels to turn them into Apple Powder.

Cosori Stainless Steel Food, Herb, & Flower Dehydrator – How to Use & Recipes

Because my other recent toy is a Cosori Dehyrator, I decided that I would save all the apple peels in the refrigerator until I had enough to dehydrate them and turn them into Apple Powder that I can add to almost every dish that I prepare. Voila! Extra Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Potassium, Antioxidants, and Anti-inflmammatories every time I open my mouth. I’m thrilled.

But Let’s Rewind and Take this Info One Step at a TIme!

As far as baking with apples goes, the sky’s the limit, but I’ll get to that later.

Beginning today, I plan to dehydrate some apples for dried apple snacks, and soon, I also plan to make some apple jelly and other apple preserves.








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