How to Make A Book or Reading Journal – Free Sample Pages

Daily Journal Pages to Track Your Reading Progress for the Day

Weekly Journal Pages to Track Your Reading Progress for the Week. It’s Good to Assess Your Reading  Progress Periodically – A Weekly Check is Good. 

Monthly Journal Pages to Track Your Reading Progress for the Month. We’ll Finish Reading Something Wicked This Way Comes by the End of October

A Monthly Calendar Should Become Part of Your Reading Journal.

Great Quotes Are The Natural Products of Great Writers. I Keep Up with the Great Quotes that I Come Across. 

Every Writer Should Study the Way that Ray Bradbury Develops the Characters for His Book. I Like to Track the Characters in the Books that I Read. 

I Also Like to Study and Track How Writers Develop and Employ Literary Themes in Their Books.

In Something Wicked This Way Comes, the Primary Literary Theme is That of Darkness vs. Light–or Evil vs. Good.

The Seasons Are Another Major Theme in Something Wicked This Way Comes. The Seasons Allude to More Than the TIme of a Year. They Allude to the Times in a Person’s Life. 


As A Person Progresses Through the Seasons of His Life, He Also Traverses the Circle of Life.


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