The Parable of the Seed: The Rest of the Story

What Is A Parable? A Parable is a story. Jesus told parables to help his followers understand various principles. A Parable is an illustration or comparison told to increase the listener’s understanding. In those cases, the stories usually symbolized something else. Jesus told the following parable or story about a farmer and the seeds that…

DaVinci Watercolor Paints – Jacki Kellum Favorite Colors + Color Wheel

Jacki Kellum Color Wheel – Essential Colors: 10 Cadmium Yellow Lemon 1 Cadmium Yellow Medium 2 Cadmium Orange 3 Cadmium Red Medium 4 Alizarin Crimson 5 Quinacridone Violet 6. Ultramarine Violet 7 French Ultramarine Blue 8 Viridian Green 9  Leaf Green 10  Back to Cadmium Lemon Again + Prussian Blue and +Indigo +Cobalt Blue +Cerulean…

A Drawing a Day – A Way to Meditate & Learn to Draw

Jacki Kellum Contour Drawing Created in about 10 Minutes 10 Minutes of Focused Mindfulness Contour Drawing Is A Way to Meditate It is a Way to Be in the Moment It is a Way to See in the Moment Learning to actually SEE is vital to becoming an artist and being and also being a writer.  Actual SEEING is complex…

Zen Seeing Zen Drawing – Frederick Franck

The book Zen Seeing Zen Drawing is about the enhaced view of life that comes from unfiltered seeing and meditative drawing. It is a practic that demands of people that they truly see, as opposed to mere looking.  

The Secret Garden Chapter 4

CHAPTER IV MARTHA When she opened her eyes in the morning it was because a young housemaid had come into her room to light the fire and was kneeling on the hearth-rug raking out the cinders noisily. Mary lay and watched her for a few moments and then began to look about the room. She…

The Moorchild by Eloise McGraw

1 “It was Old Bess, the Wise Woman of the village, who first suspected that the baby at her daughter’s house was a changeling. “For a time she held her peace. Many babies were ill- favored, she told herself. Many babies cried with what seemed fury against the world—though this littleSaaski had not done so…

The Secret Garden Chapter 3 – The Theme of Darkness to Light

CHAPTER III ACROSS THE MOOR She slept a long time, and when she awakened Mrs. Medlock had bought a lunchbasket at one of the stations and they had some chicken and cold beef and bread and butter and some hot tea. The rain seemed to be streaming down more heavily than ever and everybody in…

The Secret Garden Chapter 2

CHAPTER II MISTRESS MARY QUITE CONTRARY Mary had liked to look at her mother from a distance and she had thought her very pretty, but as she knew very little of her she could scarcely have been expected to love her or to miss her very much when she was gone. She did not miss…