Yellow Crookneck Squash: Summer Gold – Includes Recipe For Frying Squash in Cracker Crumbs

I am a Southern Country Girl, and during the summers, my family was sustained by the vegetables that my dad grew. My grandmother grew mounds of strawberries and flowers, but my dad–her son–grew vegetables. I know, for a fact, that I am a third generation gardener–on my dad’s side, but I feel quite sure that the tradition is older than that.

Today, I’ll tell you a little bit about growing cookneck yellow squash in a cottage garden.

Squash is perfect for vertical gardens:

How to Harvest Sqush:

This morning, on May 28, I noticed my first ripe crrookneck suqash in my garden, and yesterday, I gobbled the first ripe tomato from my garden. With that, I know that summer has begun. Let the banquet begin!

How to Fry Yellow Crookneck Squash

While my dad and my grandmother were avid gardeners, my mother was a fabulous southern chef. I love the way that she fried squash in a coating of craciker crumbs. She would go out into the garden and slice the perfectly ripened squash from the vine, bring them in and wash them, trim off the tips, and peel them–and finally soak them in a bath of salt water–at least for an hour or two. After that, she would fry them in a hot iron skillet–equipped with a liberal amount of bacon grease.

Fried Squash with Soda Cracker Crumb Coating

[Panko Bread Crumbs will work]