The Story of the Creation of the World from the Lion Illustrated Bible for Children

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“From ancient times, people have looked at the immensity of the world around them and wondered how it all began. The first book of the Bible, the book of Genesis, begins with ancient stories of creation that seek to give an answer.

“In the beginning, God created the universe.
“At that time, the earth had no shape. It was a great emptiness, engulfed in the deepest darkness of a ragin ocean.

“Then God spoke: ‘Let there be light.’ And there was light, and it was good in every way. God divided the darkness and the light, and God called the darkness ‘night,’ and the light ‘day.’ Evening passed and morning came. The first day was over.

“Then God spoke: ‘Let there be a sky reaching as a dome across the universe.’ And there was sky, and it was good in every way. Evening passed and morning came. The second day was over.
“Then God spoke: ‘Let the waters be gathered into seas and let dry land appear.’
And so it was, and the sea and the earth were good in every way.

“Then God spoke: ‘Let there be plants of every kind–those tse hat bear grain and those that bear fruit.’ So the earth produced plants, and they were good in ever way. Evening passed and moning came. The third day was over.

“Then God spoke: ‘Let there be lights in the sky to mark the day and the night and seasons of the year.’ An so it was. God made the sum to shine in the day and the moon at night. God also made the stars Everything was good in every way. Evening passed and morning came. The fourth day was over.


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