Tuck Everlasting Chapter 3 – A Lesson in “Showing” and Not “Telling”

. In Chapter 3 of Tuck Ever lasting, Natalie Babbitt teaches potential writers a lesson about “Showing” and not “Telling,” as we meet  Winifred Foster. Babbitt doesn’t “Tell” us much about WInifred in this chapter. Rather, we are able to glean an unerstanding of who she is [or“See” her] by overhearing her conversation with a…

How to Write Short Reflections for a Nature Journal: How to Show and not Tell

Tuesday July 9, 2024 The morning was slightly overcast and the wind whisked through my roses. Branches swayed, until a dainty drip of water drifted from the sky. Another drip followed–and another–and another. A soft, summer rain peppered all around. Jacki Kellum ____________________________________ Yesterday morning, I stood in the rain for a few minutes and…

Charlotte’s Web – Jacki Kellum Notes

Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White Newberry Honor CHARLOTTE’S WEB Copyright@ 1952 by E. B. White Text copyright@ renewed 1980 by E. B. White Illustrations copyright renewed 1980 by Garth Williams Chapter 1 Before Breakfast “WHERE’S Papa going with that ax?” said Fern to her mother as they were setting the table for breakfast. “Out…