What Are the Healing Properties of Goldenrod?

I have allowed a large stand of goldenrod to thrive at the back of my property. Because it blooms when most of the other things growing in my garden have withered and died, I call Goldenrod the Queen of My Autumn Garden. For me, the fact that it makes a beautiful show is enough, but…

American Meadows Plants Added to My Fall Garden in 2024

Pale Purple Coneflower Image Credit American Meadows Height: 24″-36″ Price $6.99 Sale “With slender petals surrounding the central cone, Pale Purple Coneflower offers a charming, showy addition to pollinator-friendly gardens. This native wildflower blooms from early to mid-summer, offering food for bees and birds earlier than most Coneflowers. Though it has a delicate appearance, its…

Perennials I Plan to Add to My Garden

American Beautyberry (Callicarpa americana) Height: 36-72″ tall (3-4 ft) Image Credit: American Meadows Aster ‘Purple Dome’ (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae) – 3 Plants Image Credit: American Meadows Height: 36-48″ tall (3-4 ft) Baptisia Wild Blule (Baptisia australis) Image Credit: American Meadows Height: 36-48″ tall (3-4 ft) White Baptisia or  False Indigo (Baptisia alba) IImage Credit: American Meadows…

How to Create A Pollinator Garden in Mississippi: A Plant List

Biosystems Engineer and Native Garden Expert Nate Venarkse recommended the preceding video and he said: “if you want to stick to MS native plants with the same design, you’d need white false indigo and downy pagoda mint instead of purple false indigo and Agastache.” Nate Venarske, Facebook Post White False Indigo Purple Coneflower Butterfly Weed…