Jacki Kellum Kitchen Garden 2021 I have read that as people began planting their food, as opposed to hunting and gathering it, the first kitchen gardens began. The earliest cottage gardens were usually kitchen gardens–what the French would call a potager.In my mind, a kitchen garden is not the same as a place where only…
Tag: Jacki Kellum Garden
How to Create a Small Classic Symmetrical Herb Garden – Free Plan
“Growing herbs means you’ll always have a fresh supply of delicious flavors and pleasant scents whenever you need them. Many of these plants are also quite attractive, especially when carefully selected and arranged to show off their beauty, as in this plan. This classic herb garden idea features several easy-to-grow aromatic plants that are pleasing to the eyes…
Herbs I Will Plant in My Garden: A List
Allow me to admit that I have never grown many herbs before, but this year, I hope to change that trend, In the following post, I’ll tell you about the herbs that I intend to plant and why I decided to change my previous pattern. “Herbs have been used for thousands of years to flavor…
How to Create a Sense of Depth and Height in Your Garden – Also a Word about Raised Beds
Jacki Kellum Garden 2022 I subscribe to the gardening principle that gardens should be layered, with taller plants in the back, medium-sized plants in front of those, and the shortest plants in front of the other two layers. T in 2022, I was gardening in the Ozark Mountains, but in 2023, I moved to my…
Hardy Chrysanthemums -Great Flowering Plants that Will Survive Tough Winters
One of my best garden purchases during 2023 was that of several small hardy mum plants. Supposedly, I bought several colors, but the pink variety flourished. The plants grew tall and they reproduced abundantly. During January of 2024, my garden suffered a crippling freeze. It sleeted for two days and the temperature dropped to the…
Perennials I Plan to Add to My Garden
American Beautyberry (Callicarpa americana) Height: 36-72″ tall (3-4 ft) Image Credit: American Meadows Aster ‘Purple Dome’ (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae) – 3 Plants Image Credit: American Meadows Height: 36-48″ tall (3-4 ft) Baptisia Wild Blule (Baptisia australis) Image Credit: American Meadows Height: 36-48″ tall (3-4 ft) White Baptisia or False Indigo (Baptisia alba) IImage Credit: American Meadows…
Coral Honeysuckle – Mississppi Native Plant – Focus on Flowers
Coral Honeysuckle – Image Credit Wikimedia Coral Honeysuckle Jacki Kellum Garden 2017 In 2023, I moved to a house in Mississippi that was devoid of a garden, and I have been working overtime, trying to solve that problem. In about August, a friend thrilled me with the gift of a Coral Honeysuckle. I had not…
Native Plants for Mississippi Gardens in January – Garden Calendar
For years, I have started each new year with a grand campaign for self-improvement. Often, I promise that I’ll paint something every day or that I’ll write something every day. Usually, I create an elaborate plan, and I write encouraging quotes for myself–words aimed to help me follow through. But my New Year’s resolutions never…
How to Add Height to Your Garden
Jacki Kellum Garden 2022 I subscribe to the gardening principle that gardens should be layered, with taller plants in the back, medium-sized plants in front of those, and the shortest plants in front of the other two layers. The magazine Fine Gardening provided the following graphic to explain that tenet: Fine Gardening September and October…
How to Naturally Dye Fabric with Goldenrod
For many years, I have wanted to have access to a large stand of goldenrod, and finally, I have that this year–standing at the back of my yard. I must confess that this delightful patch of goldenrod is not actually mine, Rather, it is at the back of a vacant lot next to my yard….