A Flower Wedding – Walter Crane

[1] A FLOWER WEDDING DESCRIBED·BY TWO WALLFLOWERSDECORATED·BY WALTER·CRANE CASSELL·&·COMPANY·1905 [2] A·FLOWER·WEDDING Yes, flower bells rang right merry that day, When there was a marriage of flowers, they say. [3] Young LAD’S LOVE had courted Miss Meadow·Sweet, And the two soon agreed at the Altar to meet. [4] A LILY white robe was worn by the Bride, And SWEET WILLIAM, the Groom, drest in red, at her…

A Floral Fantasy in an Old English Garden – Walter Crane

SWEET WILLIAM with MARYGOLD Seek HEARTSEASE in the close box-border. Where, starched in their ruff’s stiff fold, DUTCH DAHLIAS prim, keep order. NARCISSUS bends over the brook, Intent upon DAFFA-DOWN-DILLY: KNIGHT’S SPUR to the LADIES BOWER To seek for the LADIES SLIPPER .

Flowers from Shakespeare’s Garden – Walter Crane

“O,PROSERPINA, For the flowers now, that, frighted, thou lett’st fall From Dis’s wagon! 3. daffodils, That come before the swallow dares, and take The winds of March with beauty; 4. violets, dim But sweeter than the lids of Juno’s eyes 5 Or Cytherea’s breath; pale primroses, That die unmarried, ere they can behold Bright Phœbus in his strength, a malady Most…