Recipes for Healthy Snacks – I AM how I snack

I have lived alone for many years, and I admit that I rarely cook–therefore, I don’t prepare healthy meals. Unfortunately, I still get hungry. I have no scheduled time for eating, and I postpone eating until I am ravenous, and then, I grab and consume whatever is available. For that reason, I have begun preparing and storing several types of snacks that have become my available go-to food for those times that I must either eat something or wilt.

To help make my snacks even more healthy, I add unrefined coconut oil to them–whenever I can. In the following post, I have included the recipes for several healthy snacks that inclde cononut oil:

The Health Benefits of Coconut Oil – Comparing Refined & Unrefined Coconut Oil – Recipes

Apples are an easy snack — especially since I bought my Tigwin Apple Corer, Slicer, & Peeler:

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