Winter Cabin -Jacki Kellum
Oil Painting on Hardboard Panel 9″ x 12″
February 13, 2023
Farmhouse in WinterOil Painting on Hardboard Panel 9″ x 12″
February 11, 2023
Red-Orange Rose -Jacki Kellum
Oil Painting on Hardboard Panel
February 8, 2023
Black-Eyed Susan -Jacki Kellum
Oil Painting on Hardboard Panel
February 7, 2023
I have declared February of 2023 as February Roses. It may not seem so, but for at least 72 years, I have been afraid to draw and paint roses. Every time I considered drawing or painting a rose, I would soon become overwhelmed by all the nooks and crannies, and I would quickly abandon the project. During the month of February of 2023, however, I am declaring war on roses. I am determined to learn to paint roses.
Red Rose -Jacki Kellum
Oil Painting on Hardboard Panel
February 5, 2023
Pink Rose -Jacki Kellum
Oil Painting on Hardboard Panel
February 1, 2023
After day 1 of February Roses, I became ill with a virus and missed a few days, but by February 4, I was back in the game again.
Pink Rose 2 -Jacki Kellum
Oil Painting on Hardboard Panel
February 4, 2023
During the month of January in 2023, I harnessed the Strada Easel Challenge to motivate me to begin painting in oil again. I had not painted in oil for at least 40 years, and I had not painted at all for about 2 years. Needless to say, I was rusty and stiff for almost the entire month of January, but gradually, I became more comfortable.
Fruit Cup -Jacki Kellum
Oil Painting on Hardboard Panel
January 30, 2023
Paint Brushes -Jacki Kellum
Oil Painting on Hardboard Panel
January 28, 2023
Paint Brushes Detail
[Shhh! In my opinion, the best of my painting in January of 2023 was that of painting the paint brushes, and that was just a tiny portion of the previous painting.]
Apple Cider -Jacki Kellum
Oil Painting on Hardboard Panel
January 25, 2023
3 Daisies in a Blue Fruit Cup -Jacki Kellum
Oil Painting on Hardboard Panel
January 16, 2023
2 Daisies in a Jelly Jar -Jacki Kellum
Oil Painting on Hardboard Panel
January 12, 2023