Jacki Kellum Talks about the Light, about Her Paintings, and about Her Picture Book The Donkey’s Song

Note: This is a presentation that I did for a groups of kids at a church’s Bible School Art Camp:

Today, I’m going to talk to you about the importance of light. I’ll tell you about how I rely on light in my art and writing, but first, I simply want to talk about light.

At one time, the entire world was filled with darkness. That was a time before there were people and birds and trees — It was a time before there was anything in the world — it was a time before there was even a world — and when God decided to create our world, He began by creating Light:

Just imagine how important that God thought that Light is — Light was the first thing that God created.

Color is very important to me — I am a painter — and without light, we would not be able to see color.



Why are there so many
Songs about rainbows

And what’s on the other side?
Rainbows are visions
But only illusions
And rainbows have nothing to hide

So we’ve been told and some choose to believe it
I know they’re wrong wait and see

Someday we’ll find it, the rainbow connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me

[Verse 2]
Who said that every wis

Would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star?

Somebody thought of that
And someone believed it
Look what it’s done so far

What’s so amazing that keeps us stargazing
And what do we think we might see?
Someday we’ll find it, the rainbow connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me