Jacki Kellum Free Study of Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way Day 8

“Art is born in attention. Its midwife is detail….
“The language of art is image, symbol. It is a wordless language even when our very art is to chase it with words. [as writers] The artist’s language is a sensual one, a language of felt experience.” Cameron, pg. 21.

“Art is an artist-brain pursuit. The artist brain is our image brain, home and haven to our best creative impulses. The artist brain cannot be reached–or triggered–effectively by words alone. The artist brain is the sensory brain: sight and sound, smell and taste, touch. These are the elements of maigic, and magic is the elemental stuff of art.” Cameron, pg. 21.

The Artists Way, pg. 21.

Sometimes A Word Simply Seems – The Language of the Birds – Expressing That Which Is Beyond the Realm of Words

Write 3 Morning Pages. No Editing — Just Write. Let it Flow. Whatever Comes to your mind. Write. Remember: This is not Creative Writing, You Are Simply Emptying Your Mind.

Write your reflections about today’s progress. This can be a quick note or list.