How to Create a Kitchen Garden with Raised Beds

Several times, I have said that my entire garden is a raised bed, and I have added that in many areas, the garden is a series of raised beds created on top of the base raised bed.

A Load of Gin Trash Being Dumped into Jacki Kellum’s Garden

Beneath my raised bed, I cover the ground [grass and all] with a layer of cardboard, and I create the raised bed frame on top of that cardboard.

Initially, I built my raised beds from planks of  cedar.

But now, I am creating metal beds beds from kits I find on Amazon.

In the areas that I want to look “pretty,” I place short wattle fences in front of the metal, and I grow plants in front of that wattle.

What Is Wattle? Wattle is a type of woven fencing and/or gardenn support, The use of wattle dates back at least to the Medieval E

Wattle supports at the Cloisters. The Cloisters is part of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It has a replicated Medieval garden, complete with wattle supports.

Wattle supports at the Cloisters. The Cloisters is part of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It has a replicated Medieval garden, complete with wattle support.

Although most people say that cottage gardening began during the 1800s, the earliest Cottage Gardens were probably grown by peasants hundreds of years before then.

The Cottage Garden by Christopher Lloyd

Old Garden Roses Climbed the Walls of the Early Cottage Gardens.

Sweet Williams and Single Hollyhocks were part of early Cottage Gardens

A Peek into Jacki Kellum’s Current Cottage Garden Which Is Built in Raised Beds:

How  Jacki Kellum Grows Vegetables in Her Cottage Gardens:

Fences, Arbors, and Trellises in Jacki Kellum’s Garden: Grow Vertically

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