The Ancient Babylonian Empire – The Tower of Babel

The Tower of Babel – Painted by Pieter Bruegel the Elder Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons The Tower of Babel was built in Babylon. “BABEL, CITY AND TOWER OF bā’ bəl (בָּבֶ֔ל). The term “Tower of Babel” is not found in the Bible, but is used popularly for the structure built on the plain of Shinar, where the…

Early Israel – The Israelites

Imge Credit: The Student Bible Atlas by Tim Dowley – Amazon CHAPTER I THE ISRAELITES Image Credit: Detail of a Map from the Student Bible Atlas by Tim Dowley “Israel traced its origin to Babylonia. It was from “Ur of the Chaldees” that Abraham “the Hebrew” had come, the rock out of which it was…