Building Support – A Lesson from My Garden

One of the identifying characteristics of cottage gardeners is that they grow as much of their gardens vertically as possible. The traditional cottage gardeners were not as financially well endowed as others. Because they had small tracts of land, they needed to grow as much of their gardens upward as possible. Cottage gardeners grew roses…

Sharp Eyes Summer Journal Entries Gibson

The Bewitched Cocoons June 2d Gibson, pg. 69 Gibson, pg. 70. The Bombadier Beetle June 9th Gibson, pg. 72 Gibson, pg. 74 Gibson, pg. 75 Gibson, pg. 76 The Devil’s Coach-Horse June 9th, pg. Butterfly Botany Teachers June 16th, pg. 80  

Let’s Start a Nature Journal — Let’s Sharpen Our Eyes of Perception

During the remaining days and weeks of pretty weather, I want to challenge everyone to take time to truly see what is around them–and to jot your observations in a journal of some kind.  It might be a spiral notebooks–or a simple piece of paper. Rule: You must write your observation while you are outside–actually…

Don’t Let the Perfect Be the Enemy of the Good

I had a perfect plan for my morning today. I had decided to create a litte artist hut outside—a place for me to write in my garden—surrounded by the Glory of God.–and as soon as I arose, I marched out into my garden and began my effort to create a perfect spot. But I quickly…

To Everything, There Is A Season

To Everything, There Is A Season Ecclesiastes 3:1 This morning, I was out in my garden, and I gathered buckets of tomatoes. I had started those tomatoes as tiny plants under lights in my house in late winter. In fact, we had an ice storm outside, and I was feeding my winter birds at that…

Vegetables I’m Growing in My Garden 2024

Kitchen Herbs Basil Sweet Basil (Ocimum basilicum) Image Credit: Catnip Catmint (Nepeta Cataria) Image Credit: Outsidepride Seeds Height: 24″ Catmint ‘Walker’s Low’ Nepeta (Nepeta faassenii) – 3 plants Image Credit: American Meadows Height: 24-30″ tall Chamomile Chamomile Image Credit: Wikipedia Height: 8″ – 24″ Chives Chives Image Credit: Farmer’s Almanac Height: 6″ – 8″…

How to Start Creeping Thyme Plants for Your Garden — Start Early — Inside

English Creeping Thyme Image Credit: Breoudo Height: 2 – 3″ Creeping Thyme Used as a groundcover for rapid spreading. Attracts beneficial insects. Handles light traffic. Great for rock gardens. Creeping Thyme is popularly sown in rock gardens, along borders, fences & walkways, in containers & pots, or directly in the garden. This versatile groundcover also…

How to Create a Small Classic Symmetrical Herb Garden – Free Plan

“Growing herbs means you’ll always have a fresh supply of delicious flavors and pleasant scents whenever you need them. Many of these plants are also quite attractive, especially when carefully selected and arranged to show off their beauty, as in this plan. This classic herb garden idea features several easy-to-grow aromatic plants that are pleasing to the eyes…

Take the Journal Challenge

Take the Journal Challenge – Join Today – Free! For many years, I have said that everyone should write something every day. I’m not talking about being an official writer. Certainly. writers should write every day, but the rest of the world’s folks need to do the same. Write for Your Life More than once,…