Who Was Patrick – An Ancient Irish Bishop and Patron Saint

THE CONFESSION OF ST. PATRICK.     “They also found wild honey, and offered me some of it, and one of them said: “This is offered in sacrifice, thanks be to God”; after this, I tasted no more. But the same night, while I was sleeping, I was strongly tempted by Satan (of which I…

Was Glastonbury a Celtic Site? Looking at the Glastonbury Tor

Glastonbury Tor Image Credit: Wikipedia Tower of Avalon in The Winter King Image Credit: Film Bristol When I watched the MGM series The Winter King, I was struck by the tower that rises above the rest of the region of Avalon, and my mind immediately flashed to stories about the use of towers in Fairy…

What Is A Druid in Celtic Mythology – Who Was Nimue — The Lady of the Lake?

“Druid, member of the learned class among the ancient Celts. They acted as priests, teachers, and judges. The earliest known records of the Druids come from the 3rd century bce. Their name may have come from a Celtic word meaning ‘knower of the oak tree.’ Britanica “The early Celts recognized an intimate relationship between man and nature:…

Who Was Morgan le Fay?

Coincidentally or by a happy accident, I stumbled into the series The Winter King on tv at the same time that I am researching ancient mythology and folklore. Valene Kane as Morgan. (Image credit: ITV) “In Arthurian legend, Morgan le Fay is usually shown to be Arthur’s sister. She’s a witch who tends to protect and…

Flowers and Flower Lore – Hilderic Friend – 1883

November 6th, 1883. Introduction “FLOWERS are the friends of all, and we look with amazement at the person who cannot find some amount of pleasure in their study. Children love to gather them as they take their country rambles or return from the village school ; the sick are always delighted when a bouquet is…

Celtic Mythology

THE FAIRY-FAITH IN CELTIC COUNTRIES W. Y. EVANS WENTZ Published in 1911 I. The Religious Nature of the Fairy-Faith “There is probably no other place in Celtic lands more congenial, or more inspiring for the writing down of one’s deeper intuitions about the Fairy-Faith, than Carnac, under the shadow of the pagan tumulus and mount of…