The Book of the Ancient Greeks

Dorothy Mills – 1925 Mills, Dorothy. The Book of the Ancient Greeks. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1925. CRETE AND THE CIVILIZATION OF THE EARLY AEGEAN WORLD CHAPTER I THE MEDITERRANEAN WORLD To the people of the ancient world the Mediterranean was “The Sea”; they knew almost nothing of the great ocean that lay beyond the Pillars…


“The Aegean world is a very beautiful one. The Islands rise out of the sea like jewels sparkling in the sunshine. It is a world associated with spring, of “fresh new grass and dewey lotus, and crocus and hyacinth,”[1] a land where the gods were born, one rich in legend and myth and fairy tale,…

The Art of Classical Greece (ca. 480–323 B.C.) – The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Terracotta amphora (jar) ca. 490 B.C. Attributed to the Berlin Painter “This work is a masterpiece of Greek vase-painting because it brings together many features of Athenian culture in an artistic expression of the highest quality. The shape itself is central to the effect. Through the symmetry, scale, and luminously glossy glaze on the obverse, it offers a…

Contrapasto: A Gift from the Ancient Greeks

Before the era of Ancient Greece, artists and artisans depicted the human figure as a straight and rigid form. The Ancient Greeks discovered that the more natural, the more human way, to depict the figure is that presented in Contrapposto. In simplistic terms, a figure standing in Contrapposto will place his weight on only one…

Neoclassisism and the Classical Ideal

In terms of art history, the Classical Period of Art was Created During the Eras of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Marble statue of Aphrodite 1st or 2nd century A.D. Roman – Copy of a Greek statue of the 3rd or 2nd century B.C. “The goddess of love is shown as though surprised at her bath. Originally,…

Early Harvest Festivals and Halloween: Ancient Greece

My college writing students are learning to research for their writing. I have shown them how to use Google Scholar to find research that is academically appropriate. How to Find Academic Resources on Google Scholar: How to Research for Writers Among other things, my class will be talking about how the Ancient Greek Festivals have…