I planted Swamp Milkweed in my New Jersey garden, and I had a host of monarch butterfly visitors who laid eggs there. It was thrilling to watch the monarch caterpillars become glorious butterflies in New Jersey, and I am ready to start my Butterfly Garden now in Mississippi. As I plant my butterfly garden, I’ll…
Mississippi Native Wildflowers – What Are They? A List
Black-Eyed Susans [Rubeckia] in Jacki Kellum’s Garden Several years ago, I wrote a post saying that I am a Black-Eyed Susan kind of gardener, and I suppose that is why I love native plants. That post begins as follows: “I have a very distinctive taste in gardening–it is a bit like me. My garden is…
Coral Honeysuckle – Mississppi Native Plant – Focus on Flowers
Coral Honeysuckle – Image Credit Wikimedia Coral Honeysuckle Jacki Kellum Garden 2017 In 2023, I moved to a house in Mississippi that was devoid of a garden, and I have been working overtime, trying to solve that problem. In about August, a friend thrilled me with the gift of a Coral Honeysuckle. I had not…
Native and Other Plants to Grow in Natural Hedgerows
Hedgerow – Image Credit Mississippi Extension “Hedgerows, also known as shelter belts or wind breaks, are living fences of trees, shrubs, groundcovers, vines, and other plants.” Mississippi Extension A large, mature willow oak is growing on the outer extremity of where I plan to create my hedgerow. Willow Oak Leaves – Image Credit Jersey Yards…
How to Add Privacy and Intimacy to Your Garden Rooms
Jacki Kellum Garden Wall – 2022 Garden walls serve two purposes in my garden. Privacy Intimacy Privacy in my garden is of utmost importance. But I also create walls or screens to subdivide my large lawn into smaller intimate spaces. Jacki Kellum Garden August 2022 Jacki Kellum Garden Wall – 2022 Jacki Kellum Garden Wall…
Native Plants for Mississippi Gardens in January – Garden Calendar
For years, I have started each new year with a grand campaign for self-improvement. Often, I promise that I’ll paint something every day or that I’ll write something every day. Usually, I create an elaborate plan, and I write encouraging quotes for myself–words aimed to help me follow through. But my New Year’s resolutions never…
4 – Season Garden: A Year of Garden Native Perennial Plants – Garden Calendar
Image Credit: Camp Creek Native Plants https://www.campcreeknativeplants.com/ Image Credit: Camp Creek Native Plants https://www.campcreeknativeplants.com/ January American Witch Hazel Winterberry Holly American Witch Hazel American Witch Hazel – Image Credit Wikimedia American Witch Hazel – Image Credit Flickr Winter Berry Holly Image Credit: Tennessee Nursery https://www.tnnursery.net February American Witch Hazel Virginia Spring Beauty March American Witch…
The Beginner’s Bible – Zondervan
The Beginner’s Bible – Zondervan Image Credit: Zondervan The Beginning ………………..pg. 7 Video Credit: Zondervan Adam and Eve ………………..pg.. 14 The Sneaky Snake ………….pg. 18 Noah’s Ark ………………………pg. 26 Video Credit: Zondervan The Tall Tower ………………..pg 34 Video Credit: Zondervan A New Home …………………pg. 39 The Visitors ………………….pg. 46 A Bride for Isaac ………….pg ….
Hera – One of Zeus’s Wives – The Queen of Mythological Ancient Greece
Hera and Zeus – Painted by Frans Chrstoph Janneck Titled Juno and Jupiter – The Roman names for the same god and goddess. Zeus had several wives, but Hera was his most important wife. She was beautiful, but she was vain and jealous. Both Zeus and Hera were children of Rhea and Cronus. Like several…
The Primordial Deities and the Dynnasties of Ancient Greek Mythology
Primordial Deities of Ancient Greek Mythology Ancient Greek scholars disagree about which deities existed before Gaea and Uranus, but most agree that Chaos was there before anything else existed. Chaos was a dark emptiness. Like in the Biblical story of creation, this darkness existed before the emergence of Gaea, the first goddess. According to the…