The Secret Garden Illustrated by Inga Moore CHAPTER I. THERE IS NO ONE LEFT When Mary Lennox was sent to Misselthwaite Manor to live with her uncle everybody said she was the most disagreeable-looking child ever seen. It was true, too. She had a little thin face and a little thin body, thin light hair…
The Relatives Came – Perfect Picture Book – Why?
The Relatives Came by Cynthia Rylant Illustrated by Stephen Gammel Cynthia Rylant has written a plethora of successful books for children, and Stephen Gammel’s illustrations never cease to amaze me. I have several books written by Rylant, and I have several books illustrated by Gammel. In my opinion, The Relatives Came is a perfect merger…
Writing Morning Pages – How They Work & Why – The Zen Master Advises to Empty Your Cup
In her book The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron tells would-be creators to write Morning Pages every day, 1. She does not suggest that participants write creatively as part of their Morning Pages. 2. She wants participants to simply write, write, write–to write whatever comes into their minds. The Morning Pages are a Way to Empty…
The Artist’s Way Introduction with Jacki Kellum Notes – Looking at Lit Free Online Book Club
“INTRODUCTION WHEN PEOPLE ASK ME what I do, I usually answer, “I’m a writer-director and I teach these creativity workshops.” The last one interests them. “How can you teach creativity?” they want to know. Defiance fights with curiosity on their faces. “I can’t,” I tell them. “I teach people to let themselves be creative.” “Oh….
The Wizard of Oz
Chapter I The Cyclone Dorothy lived in the midst of the great Kansas prairies, with Uncle Henry, who was a farmer, and Aunt Em, who was the farmer’s wife. Their house was small, for the lumber to build it had to be carried by wagon many miles. There were four walls, a floor and a…
How to Paint Bee Balm – Saturday Boquet – Jacki Kellum Watercolor Painting Tutorial
Saturday Boquet – Bee Balm in a Bottle Jacki Kellum Watercolor Painting Jacob Cline Bee Balm Growing in Jacki Kellum’s Garden. The challenge with painting this red Jacob Cline Bee Balm is that the upper foliage is a mixture of red violet and green. Red violet has red in it, and when red mixes with…
Bring Me Home – An Overarching Theme in Literature – in Jacki Kellum Looking at Lit Club
The search for a true home is a recurring theme in literature. In some cases, the protagonist leaves home, and discovers that the true home of his heart was the one he lor she left: That also happend in Where the Wild Things Are: “That very night in Max’s room a forest grew and grew…
How to Paint Another Summer Bouquet in Watercolor
Before You Paint – COMPOSE YOUR BOQUET Another Summer Bouquet Jacki Kellum Watercolor Part 1: Paint Some Yellows & Orange Colors Pencil Sketch Before Painting Princeton Brush Velvet Touch 14LR Paint Petals in the Direction They Are Growing Jacki Kellum Color Wheel Yellow to Orange to Reds DaVinci Watercolor Paint Cadmium Yellow Light Cadmium Yellow…
How to Paint A Summer Bouquet in Watercolor
Summer Bouquet Jacki Kellum Watercolor Painting Jackie Kellum Color Wheel Jacki Kellum Shades Her Paints by Moving from Yellow Toward Violet – 1 Step at a Time. For the Orange Tones, she uses the following DaVinci Watercolor Paints: Cadmium Yellow Light Cadmium Yellow Dark Cadmium Red LightFor the Orange Tones, she uses the following DaVinci…
The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron – Jacki Kellum Notes
“INTRODUCTION WHEN PEOPLE ASK ME what I do, I usually answer, “I’m a writer-director and I teach these creativity workshops.” The last one interests them. “How can you teach creativity?” they want to know. Defiance fights with curiosity on their faces. “I can’t,” I tell them. “I teach people to let themselves be creative.” “Oh….