Jacki Kellum Free Study of Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way Day 7

Artistic Date And Weekly Evaluation “An artist date is a block of time, perhaps two hours weekly, especially set aside and committed to nurturing your creative consciousness, your inner artist. …You may not take anyone on this artic date but you and your inner artist, a. k. a. your creative child.” Cameron, pg. 18. “A…

Jacki Kellum Watercolor: A Carousel of Color

For as long as I can remember, I have loved color. When I was a tiny child, my favorite thing about the Christmas season was sitting alone in my dark living room and watching the Christmas Tree’s lights bounce around in the panes of the large picture window that fronted my parents’ house. Jacki Kellum…

Another Summer Bouquet – Jacki Kellum Watercolor Painting

Another Summer Bouquet Jacki Kellum Watercolor Painting Colors Used Item by Item Black-Eyed Susans Cadmium Yellow Light Cadmium Yellow Dark Cadmium Orange Cadmium Red Light Prussian Blue Orange Zinnia Cadmium Yellow Light Cadmium Yellow Dark Cadmium Orange Cadmium Red Light Bee Balm Red Jacob Cline Cadmium Red Light Cadmium Red Dark Opus Bee Balm Foliage…

Jacki Kellum Free Study of Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way Day 6

In Tuesday’s reading, Julia Cameron asserted that a practice of writing Morning Pages will ultimately connect the practicioner to a Higher Creative Insight. I personally call this Higher Creative Insight my Intuition. Julia Cameron calls this Higher Creative Insight a type of Spiritual Guidance, which is beyond a type of religious insight. She says that…

Jacki Kellum Free Study of Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way Day 4

In yesterday’s reading, Cameron said that as you empty your mind through writing the Morning Pages, the Logic Brain is hushed and the Artist Brain is allowed to take its place. “We move from logic brain to artist brain and from fast to slow, shallow to deep.” Cameron, The Artist’s Way, pg. 14. Yesterday, I…

Jacki Kellum Free Study of Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way Day 3

In today’s reading, Julia Cameron asserts that a practice of writing Morning Pages will ultimately connect the practicioner to a Higher Creative Insight. I personally call this Higher Creative Insight my Intuition. Julia Cameron calls this Higher Creative Insight a type of Spiritual Guidance, which I believe is beyond a type of religious insight. She…

Jacki Kellum Free Study of Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way Day 2

It was after lunchtime yesterday before I could get around to writing my Morning Pages. Like many of you, my early mornings are jam-packed with things that I MUST do during early mornings–no exceptions. HEAR ME: This does not mean that because I can’t be the perfect participant in Julia Cameron’s program The Artist’s Way,…