At the end of Chapter 5, Winnie and Jesse were tangling. She wanted to drink from the pool in the Wood, and Jesse did not want her to do that. Suddenly. she was whisled away:: “Afterward, when she thought about it, it seemed to Winnie that the next tew minutes were only a blur. First…
Tuck Everlasting – Chapter 5 – Winnie’s First Venture into the Wood – Read to Learn about Mankind’s Connection to Trees, Nature Writing, Description, and Creating Characters – Jesse Tuck
Chapter 5 takes place the morning after Winnie, her grandmother, and the man in the yellow suit heard the twinkling sound coming from the Wood. “Winnie woke early next morning. The sun was only just opening its own eye on the eastern horizon and the cottage was full of silence.” Babbitt, Tuck, pg. 22 Winnie…
Tuck Everlasting Chapter 4 – A Brush with Darkness – Read to Learn to Write with Literary Themes – More Character Development & The Use of Ambiguity in Writing – Celebrating the Moon
Chapter 4 of Tuck Everlasting deals with the literary theme of Darkness Versus Light. Not surprisingly, this chapter takes place during the Evening — the Dark Time of Day, but right away, we realize that Winnie is catching fireflies–an actvity that introduces light into the darkness. She is not a dark character. Like a firefly…
Tuck Everlasting Chapter 3 – A Lesson in “Showing” and Not “Telling”
. In Chapter 3 of Tuck Ever lasting, Natalie Babbitt teaches potential writers a lesson about “Showing” and not “Telling,” as we meet Winifred Foster. Babbitt doesn’t “Tell” us much about WInifred in this chapter. Rather, we are able to glean an unerstanding of who she is [or“See” her] by overhearing her conversation with a…
Tuck Everlasting Chapter 2 – A Lesson in Creating Characters, Conflict, and Foreshadowing in Writing
Chapter 2 of Tuck Everlasting provides us with a beginning Character Study of Mae Tuck, as she is about to enter a new chapter of her life — a New Dawn. And so, at dawn, that day in the first week of August, Mae Tuck woke up and lay for a while beaming at the…
Tuck Everlasting Chapter 1 – Capturing the Essence of the Spiritual in Nature: A Lesson in Descriptive Writing – Read to Learn to Write
Chapter 1 of Tuck Everlasting contrasts the eternal, perfect freedom of nature, as opposed to the rigid, confined existence outside of nature–specifically to that in the Foster’s Home in Treegap, the town at the edge of the Wood or Nature. “The road that led to Treegap had been trod out long before by a herd…
Tuck Everlasting – Prologue
Prologue “The first week of August hangs at the very top of summer, the top of the live-long year, like the highest seat of a Ferris wheel when it pauses in its turning. The weeks that come before are only a climb from balmy spring, and those that follow a drop to the chill of…
The Horae and Other Ancient Greek Deities that Celebrate the Seasons
The Horae – Detail – Poynter “The Horae were originally the personifications of nature in its different seasonal aspects….” Wikipedia Yesterday, I wrote about how I celebrate the seasons in my garden: In the above post, I acknowlege that I am aware of my own internal clock that has a need to celebrate the seasons…
What Is a Four Seasons Garden?
About a week ago, I talked about my Purple Fountain Grass, and I mentioned that historically, Purple Fountain Grass has been part of of my Autumn Gardens. Pumpkin and Purple Fountain Grass – Jacki Kellum Garden Unflortunately, I trampled my little Purple Fountain Grass when I was erecting my new rose arbor, and he is…
Cardinals – Some Facts that Were New to Me – The Crests on Cardinals’ Heads Sometimes Seem Flat
I have recently added a walk-through rose and wisteria arbor to my garden. It is immediately outside my back screened porch, and when I sit on my porch, watching my birds perching on my arbor, I feel like I’m playing a part in the movie Swiss Family Robinson. No, I don’t live in an aerie,…