Birds in My Mississippi Backyard – Includes Calls & Songs of Each Bird

“Adult song sparrows have brown upperparts with dark streaks on the back and are white underneath with dark streaking and a dark brown spot in the middle of the breast. They have a brown cap and a long brown rounded tail. Their face is gray with a brown streak through each eye. ” Wikipedia

House Sparrow Male – Wikipedia








House Sparrow Female

“House sparrows prefer more developed urban locations over rural areas. Instead of nesting in trees, they are commonly found making a home in the walls or eaves of buildings or houses. If you’ve seen birds flying inside of open-air stores, it’s likely a house sparrow.

“These songbirds were brought to North America from England in 1851. Unlike most birds, house sparrows are unbothered by the presence of humans. You can get relatively close to them before they scurry off. However, their relationship with other birds is another story. House sparrows are very defensive of their nesting spots.” Mississippi State Extension


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