Another Parable of the Soil: Prepare Your Soil – Plant in Faith – Lessons from My Garden

This time last year, I was spreading one of several truck loads of garden soil to create raised beds in my garden.

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I had lived in my current house for 6 months, and I had just begun my efforts to transform the barren field behind my house into a natural haven.

May be an image of cold frame

View from my screened porch in October of 2023

View from my screened porch in October of 2024

I hate to say this, but I planted several things before my soil was prepared to help those plants grow–and invariably, those plants did not survive. This year, I am adding several new perennials to this prepared garden area, and I doubt if I lose any of the things I plant here this year. This year, I have done the necessary work. I have prepared my garden soil to make it more receptive to new growth.

You cannot tell it from the above photo, but all of the dirt in the above area is at least 6″ above ground, and I have added raised beds on top of that area–and in those beds, the good, rich soils is about 10″ above ground.

Again, over the past year, I have worked hard to get my garden ready to grow great flowers

Preparation Is Essential in Preparing for Success!

I’ll say this over and over: I am not a Holy Roller. I do not “Honk if I love Jesus,” but I do study the Bible. I especially like to study the Bible History in the Old Testament, and in the New Testament, I like to read the Parables of Jesus.

What Is A Parable?

A Parable is a Story Told to Teach a Greater Point.

What is a Parable? A List of Parables in the Bible

One of the Teaching Stories that Jesus Told Was the Parable of Seed Which Could Also be Called the Parable of the Soil.

I am not trying to equate myself with the great teacher Jesus, but I can honestly say that over the years, I have learned a few things, too, and I have discovered that my garden has taught me several lessons .

In regards to gardening, we must have adequate soil if we want anything to grow. I call that a Lesson from My Garden. But I can draw a parallel from that lesson to other areas of my life:

In regards to my painting efforts, I have learned that unless I get my supplies and my area ready, I will have a terrible day painting.

Likewise, I have learned that if I can expect much to come out of my writing efforts, I need to prepare for that, too.



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