Advent Day 7 – On Day 7 of His Creation, God Rested – What Is Rest? Why Do We Need to Rest?

Genesis 2 – God Rested

Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array.

By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done. Genesis 2:1-2.

I confess that this year, I am not writing about Day 7 or God’s Creation of the World on Day 7 of Advent, but to preserve some semblance of order on my blog, I am posting Day 7 before I add Days 8 and 9. You see, on Day 7 of Advent, I was not restful–I was harried and rushed–and I was too tired and mentally exhausted to say anything meaningful about Rest on that Day. In fact, Day 8 of Advent was not much better for me–in terms of reaching a state of rest. But I woke up at 3 a.m. on the Morning of Day 9, and the thoughts of what I needed to say about Rest washed over me.

But First, What Is Advent?

Advent is a period before Christmas that some Christians set aside to prepare to celebrate again the birth and life of Jesus Christ.

I had determined that during the first 7 days of Advent this year, I would talk about the 7 Days of God’s Creation of the World, and those verses of the Bible are in Genesis–In the Beginning. Thus, when I started this post with a post from Matthew, where Jesus is depicted as saying: Come unto me…and I will give you rest, I was getting the cart before the horse. Advent is a preparation of our minds to receive the word of Jesus. To begin to understand mankind’s need of rest, we need to return to Genesis–to Day 7 of God’s Creation of the World, the Day He created for rest

Work 6 Days — Rest on Day 7

When I consider God’s example of working six days and resting the day after that, I commend that idea.

My work ethic is more like this: I work until I drop and then I crash.

That program is not a recommended course, but old habits die hard.

In fact, that approach always sets me up for a bout of depression, and honestly, my best ideas for writing and painting come to me AS I rest–or just after I have almost awakened from sleep.

When I resres, I am a magical thinker. On Silver Sheets I Sail:

On Silver Sheets, I Sail
by Jacki Kellum

Just before I open my eyes,
I float along the misty skies.
I reach, I feel the soft, white hair
And fairy wings that flutter there,
I listen. I hear the slumber song:
The angel band that plays along.
My dreams are in my pillow-pail.
On Silver Sheets, I Sail.

Here’s another excerpt of a verse I wrote after awakening from a nap.  I was telling how my writing ideas often come to me while I sleep:

Visions of sugarplums visited me
Moonbeams and crystal shards lit up the sea
Soft webs and angel hair strung from a flea
Toy-tugged my leaf-boat along.

Copyright Jacki Kellum October 11, 2015

When I am rested, I am creative, but when I am drained, I cannot buy a creative thought, and that is why I need rest.

Winter is the Season of Rest

Rest But consider this; the world was set up on a time wheel, wherein one of the 4 months of the year is established as a time of rest.  When God Created Day 4, He Created the Sun–which evokes the Seasons.

On the First Day of Creation God Created Light–Night and Day

 Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. [b]So the evening and the morning were the first day.

God Must have thought Rest was important, He set aside periods to rest. Traditionally, Night is a Time to Rest, the Weekend is a Time to Rest, Winter Is a Time to Rest. Most of us find plenty of time to work. We must also find time to rest–to rest in a way that will refresh and renew ourselves regularly.

“What did you go out into the wilderness to see? A reed swayed by the wind?… Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” Matthew 11:7b,28



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