A List of The Lessons in Jacki Kellum’s 2023 How to Write & Revise a Picture Book: the #14DayPBChallenge

Introduction to the Class

Take the #14DayPBChallenge – Write, Revise, & Submit Your Picture Book for Publication

I. Plan Your Picture Book

#14DayPBChallenge – Day 1- February 2023 – Start Planning Your Picture Book

II. How to Come Up with Ideas for Your Picture Book-
includes a list of  ideas with links to examples of each type of idea

#14DayPBChallenge – Day 2 – February 2023 – A List of Ideas for Picture Books

III. Write the First Draft of Your Picture Book

Write The First Draft of Your Picture Book – Write First, Edit Later

IV. Research Your Picture BookTopic – How to Research Online
a. google and google scholar
b. Gutenberg
c. books – taking notes, registering quotes, and notation systems

Research to Fully Understand the Details of Your Picture Book- Free Places to Find the Facts

V. Create a Text Dummy
a. Eliminate Wordiness
b. Test the Page Turns
c. Improve the book’s pacing.

How to Create a Text Dummy for a Picture Book – A Look at the Structures of Several Picture Books

How to Create a Text Dummy for a Picture Book in Microsoft Word

VI. Picture Writing

Picture Writing – How Jacki Kellum Wrote Her Debut Picture Book The Donkey’s Song

VII. Harnes Your Intuition – Listen to You Inner Muse

How My Intuition Wrote My Picture Book The Donkey’s Song

VIII. How to Create Stronger Settings for Your Picture Book

How to Create Stronger Settings for Your Picture Books – Visualize the Details of the Story

IX. How to Create Memorable Characters for Your Picture Books

14-Day Picture Book Challenge Day 4 – Describe the Main Character of Your Picture Book

Chrysanthemum – A Picture Book by Kevin Henkes – An Anthem Against Bullying


X. Delete words that you don’t need. Problems with too many words.

[Next Time]

a. attention span
b. reduces the magic

XI. Figurative Language – Simile and Metaphor

#14DayPBChallenge – Day 4 – February 2023 – How Metaphor and Simile Added Spice to Writing

XII. Format your manuscript

SCBWI Guide – “The Book” – Download Free PDF or Purchase Hardcover – How To Format a Book Manuscript & How to Write A Query Letter

XIII.List of Agents

Agent List – for Children’s Picture Book Writers

XIV. Query

Picture Book Writers: Let’s Get Published – Query Letters, SCBWI Tips, Agent List

Next Challenge: Rhyme Time – April – National Poetry Month

Coming Soon: #PBMarketing Boot Camp

  • Start  To  Build Your Writer’s Platform BEFORE You Start Writing – Don’t Wait!
  • What is SEO
  • How to Increase Your SEO
  • Start A Blog TODAY – Don’t Wait
  • How to Create a Website & Blog on WordPress.
  • How to Check Your Stats on Your WordPress Site
  • The Importance of Titles on Blog Posts
  • The Importance of Tags on Blog Posts
  • What Is the Difference between a Tag and a Category on WordPress Blogs
  • How to Use Canva to Create Dynamic Featured Images for Your Blog

Coming Soon:

Author Visits 101: School Visits, Events, and Workshops




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