Apples, Cinnamons, & Sugar + A Squirt of Lemon – The Source of Tons of Treats

Yesterday, I made a Bourbon Infusion, using Apple Slices Coated in Cinnamon & Sugar. I had squeezed fresh lemon over all the apple slices before I sprinkled them with cinnamon and sugar, After that, I placed the apple slices in a ziploc gallon bag and added more sugar and cinnamon. After I shook the bag, I stored it and its contents in the refrigerator for a week. Ultimately, I filled a mason jar with the mixture and covered the contents with bourbon:

Today, I’ll repeat the first part of the process and in a few days, I’ll cover the fruit with brandy.  I’ll be using the brandied apples for some fall baking  Plus, I look forward to sipping some of my apple cinnamon brandy straight. But this is a layered process. Today, I’ll begin with my Tigwin, and I’ll peel, core, and slice some apples.


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