Lemon Essential Oil – Light and Squeaky Clean – A Squeeze of Fresh Air – Health & Other Benefits

I’m a Southerner. I eat lots of fresh lemons. When I eat fried catfish, I douse my catch with lemons. [Fried Catfish Image Credit: The Cookful

And when I drink iced tea, I load it up with some kind of sweetener, and at least 2 slivers of fresh, squeezed lemon. [Image credit for the iced tea: Nava Fresh]

Now that I’m dehydrating apples with cinnamon & sugar, I squeeze fresh lemon juice on the apple slices before I add the cinnamon and sugar, and I make fresh-squeezed lemon curd frequently.

I go through about 2 bags of fresh lemons weekly, and I extend the benefits of lemons by also using lemon essential oil in my home.

“Lemon – Despite its acid content, once digested, lemon has an alkaline effect within the body, making it useful in rheumatic conditions where acidity is a contributory factor. The volatile oil is antiseptic and antibacterial. The bioflavonoids are antioxidant and strengthen the inner lining of blood vessels, especially veins and capillaries, and help counter varicose veins and easy bruising.

“■ Preventative – Lemon is a valuable preventative medicine. Its antiseptic and cleansing actions make it useful for those prone to arteriosclerosis, and to infections and fevers (especially of the stomach, liver, and intestines). Its ability to strengthen blood vessel walls helps prevent circulatory disorders and bleeding gums. Lemon is also useful as a general tonic for many chronic illnesses. Above all, it is a food that helps maintain general good health.

“■ Strengthening vein walls The whole fruit, especially the pith, treats arteriosclerosis, weak capillaries, and varicose veins.

“■ Juice Lemon juice is good for colds, flu, and chest infections. It stimulates liver detoxification, improves the appetite, and helps ease stomach acidity, ulcers, arthritis, gout, and rheumatism. As a gargle, lemon juice is helpful for sore throats, gingivitis, and mouth ulcers. Externally, lemon juice can be applied directly to acne, athlete’s foot, chilblains, insect stings, ringworm, sunburn, and warts. …

“Remedy For colds, combine 1 tbsp lemon juice with 21/2 tbsp hot water, a crushed garlic clove, and a pinch of cinnamon. Drink up to 3 times a day. Fruit and peel improve the circulation and increase resistance to infection. Pith and peel contain volatile oil and most of the bioflavonoids …

“A familiar food as well as a remedy, it has a high vitamin C content that helps improve resistance to infection, making it valuable for colds and flu.” Chevallier, Andrew. Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine,  pg. 82.

Health Benefits of Lemon Essential Oil

  • Improved mood

    Lemon oil can help reduce anxiety and depression, and boost energy and metabolism. A small study on mice found that inhaling lemon oil vapor decreased symptoms of stress. 

  • Better skin

    Lemon oil has antimicrobial properties that can help with antibacterial and antifungal effects when applied to the skin. It may also help speed up healing, and balance out oily or mature skin. 

  • Reduced morning sickness

    Lemon oil can help reduce morning sickness in pregnant women. 

  • Improved digestion

    Lemon oil can help address digestive issues like stomachache and indigestion. 

  • Improved immune health

    Lemon oil can help support immune health, combat colds and flu, and promote detoxification through the blood and liver. 

  • Pain relief

    Lemon oil can help relieve nausea and vomiting, and may also help with pain relief. 

Lemon essential oil can be used in many ways, including: 

  • Topical application: Dilute the oil and apply it to the skin. You can try combining 2–3 drops with a half-teaspoon of coconut oil and applying it to your temples, chest, and back of neck. 
  • Inhaling: Inhale the oil directly from the bottle, or diffuse 5 drops at home or work. 
  • Massage: Lemon oil can be great for massaging. 

Recipes for Diffuser Blends with Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon essential oil mixes well with by Loving Essential Oils | Sunshine on a Rainy Day with rosalina and lavender

1. Sunshine On a Rainy Day

“In this blend lemon and lavender are mixed with rosalina essential oil. Rosalina is also called lavender tea tree oil. It has similar properties to eucalyptus oil but it is safer and gentler, making it a great alternative for kids.” Loving Essential Oils:

  • 3 drops Lemon
  • 3 drops Rosalina
  • 1 drop Lavender

Lemon Oil Diffuser Blends - Free PDF by Loving Essential Oils | Sunshine and Roses with lemon, copaiba and rose

2. Sunshine and Roses

“Rose essential oil is quiet rare, you can use rose absolute as an alternative, it pairs nicely with lemon. Try this oil blend when you need uplifting.” Loving Essential Oils:

  • 4 drops Lemon
  • 3 drops Copaiba
  • 2 drops Rose

Lemon and Lavender Diffuser Blends by Loving Essential Oils | Winding Down with frankincense oil

3. Winding Down

“Looking for some relaxation from a day filled with stress or excitement? Try this lemon essential oil diffuser recipe.” Loving Essential Oils:

    • 4 drops Frankincense
    • 3 drops Lavender
    • 3 drops Lemon

Lemonade Essential Oil Blends by Loving Essential Oils | Frozen Lemonade with spearmint and basil

4. Frozen Lemonade

“Lemonade just screams summer and refreshing. Let this lemon diffuser recipe with spearmint and basil refresh you when you are in need.” Loving Essentials Oils

      • 5 drops Lemon
      • 3 drops Spearmint
      • 2 drops Basil

Diffusing Lemon Essential Oil - Free Recipe Sheet by Loving Essential Oils | Spring Forward with geranium, tea tree and lime

5. Spring Forward

“Here is a surprising blend of spring oils that may seem a little unlikely but none the less lovely.” Loving Essentials Oils

        • 3 drops Geranium
        • 3 drops Tea Tree
        • 2 drops Lime
        • 2 drops Lemon

Diffuser Blends with Lemon Essential Oil - Free Cheat Sheet by Loving Essential Oils | Calmly Focused with balsam fir and spearmint

6. Calmly Focused

“Lemon is a top choice essential oil for focus and concentration.” Loving Essentials Oils

  • 4 drops Balsam Fir
  • 2 drops Lemon
  • 1 drop Spearmint

Lemon Oil Diffuser Recipes by Loving Essential Oils | Lemon Shortbread with siberian fir, cardamom, cinnamon and orange

7. Lemon Shortbread

“Here is a wonderful lemon diffusion when you want to make your home smell just delicious!”Loving Essentials Oils

    • 3 drops Lemon
    • 2 drops Orange
    • 2 drops Siberian Fir
    • 1 drop Cardamom
    • 1 drop Cinnamon Bark

Lemon Essential Oil Diffuser Benefits - Free Download by Loving Essential Oils | Energy Trio with peppermint, lemon and rosemary

8. Energy Trio

“Need an energy boost? Try this winning energizing essential oil blend. You can also make this blend into an aromatherapy inhaler recipe and use when on the go.” Loving Essentials Oils

  • 4 drops Peppermint
  • 3 drops Lemon
  • 3 drops Rosemary

Lemon Essential Oil Diffuser Recipes - Free Printable by Loving Essential Oils | Sunny Day Blend with grapefruit and clementine

10. Sunny Day Blend

“The brightness of citrus essential oils bring are perfect for a sunny day blend. Let this oil blend alleviate symptoms of stress, anxiety, and improve overall mood.” Loving Essentials Oils

    • 4 drops Lemon
    • 3 drops Grapefruit
    • 1 drop Clementine

Essential Oils for Beginners, pg. 91.

Essential Oils for Beginners, pg. 92

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